Zeno R.R. Davatz

Results 23 issues of Zeno R.R. Davatz

Es wäre auch gut, wenn die Daten in diesem Format (gleich wie Italien und China) aufbereitet werden: Pro Tag eine Zeile für alle Kantone https://github.com/zdavatz/covid19_ch/blob/master/data-cantons-csv/dd-covid19-ch-cantons-20200318-example.csv Pro Tag eine Zeile für...

Are you planning an ARM version, that could be run RaspPi or any other small board?


Test case: ``` ./bulk_extractor -o out -R ``` output: ``` zsh: segmentation fault bulk_extractor ```

high priority

1. I am trying to open a log file, using version 2.2.176 2. `AMS-20240206.070056.7255680-00000002-A97E.binlog` 3. Getting this error 4. ``` System.IO.InvalidDataException: Ungültige Daten beim Decodieren gefunden. bei System.IO.Compression.InflaterZlib.Inflate(FlushCode flushCode) bei...

1. Download the Appimage for Linux with Kernel 6.8.0 2. Start the App 3. `./jan-linux-x86_64-0.4.10.AppImage` 4. Download `Mistral Instruct 7B Q4` 5. Do a query 6. Then on my Gentoo...

type: bug

Hi I am trying to run mod_ruby on Windows-Vista with Apache 2.2.17. Any hints how to compile? At the moment I get an access denied error, unfortunately. http://url.ba/cnak Any hints?...

Hi I am trying build a bootable iso image of high Sierra and I get the following output from your script: ``` Using "/Applications/Install macOS High Sierra.app". Detecting macOS name...

I am fooling around with the tooling and noted the following: 1. run the samples with 2. `edgetpu_detect_server --model mobilenet_ssd_v2_coco_quant_postprocess_edgetpu.tflite --labels coco_labels.txt --filter person,car,truck,bus,motocycle,bicycle --threshold 0.4 --print` 3. Normally everything...

subtype:Mendel Linux
Hardware:Dev Board

![rich_2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4953/75471633-c85f2f80-5992-11ea-8e2f-2f344c510853.png) ![rich_1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4953/75471635-c8f7c600-5992-11ea-9b54-f031301bffec.png)

I've now also got the 3D volume view working, it looks great. But the filters make the picture totally bad, partly everything gets black. The 'Reset' function doesn't work, also...