
Results 2 issues of zch-ssc

使用casia数据集训练,无预训模型。 使用config_ms1m_res50.yaml配置项acc会一直为0吗? # model params backbone_type: resnet_v2_50 loss_type: arcface out_type: E image_size: 112 embd_size: 512 class_num: 10572 # hyper params bn_decay: 0.9 keep_prob: 0.4 weight_decay: !!float 5e-4 logits_scale: 64.0 logits_margin:...

Training a model from scratch. If i want to use 8 GPUs to train a model(a server),how to configure these flags's value? flags: num_clones worker_replicas num_ps_tasks