**Steps to reproduce:** 1) Open the 'New Project' wizard 2) Select 'Java' project and under 'Additional Libraries and Frameworks' check the 'Quarkus' library 3) Choose 'Download' by click on the...
- I am not sure, if this is or is not an intention, but I think at least a part of the following old version occurrences should be updated: ```...
- I have started the IntelliJ (version 2020.1) and I have opened the 'New Project' wizard, after a few click in the wizard the exception appears (the wizard has not...
Default project location in the wizard repeats "code-with-quarkus" over and over and creates nested folders.
- I navigate to **New Project** -> **Java** -> check the Quarkus library - I have there old version (Quarkus-1.5.2.Final), so I click **Configure...** -> **Change version...** -> newer version...
- I have tried to install the Quarkus plugin (last build from repo) into the new version of IntelliJ (2021.1) on 2 notebooks - on the older one (OS X...