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A collection of HandyNotes plugins for World of Warcraft.
- confirmed Vignette Quest for Magister Phaedris - confirmed & changed Vignette Quest for Randril
Only "Elusive Legend of the Dragon Isles" is there...
more information
Add options to "Show Class-Locked Nodes" and "Show Class-Locked Rewards". Options show up in the main options panel as well as the dropdown menu from the world map button. Currently...
hello, I want to make a request to add a keybind like shift-right click over the POIs to quick waypoint them, if possible, thanks in advance.
Support for both native Waypoint and TomTom addressing #452
Time Rifts and Researchers Under Fire do not currently show associated rewards and achievements. ### AreaPOIs #### Researchers Under Fire 7459 Researchers Under Fire: Titan Lockdown (starting soon) 7460 Researchers...
**ADDON VERSION**: 77 **Describe the bug** With the release of TWW 11.0.0 (11.0.2?) there are new/updated poiIDs for quite a few nodes. I've looked up the new IDs to attach...