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A shim library to support mapping Java8 Optionals through Jackson.


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A shim library to support mapping Java 8 Optional through Jackson. Forked from @realjenuis jackson-databind-java8 project.

This library is compiled with Java 8 and will thus only be useful in a Java 8 (or higher) runtime environment.


If you are starting a new project that requires support for Java 8 combined with Jackson Databind, you should probably have a look at FasterXML's JDK 8 module.


The library is distributed through Sonatype's OSS repo

Maven dependency



    libraryDependencies += "org.zapodot" % "jackson-databind-java-optional" % "2.6.1"

Registering module

The module is auto-discoverable using the Jackson ObjectMappers's findAndRegisterModules method

final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules();

If you are not to crazy about using auto discovery, you can always register the module manually

final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
                                                new JavaOptionalModule());


Empty Optionals will be serialized as JSON nulls. Example:

    public class Bean {

        public static final String PRESENT_VALUE = "present";
        private Optional<String> empty = Optional.empty();

        private Optional<String> notSet;

        private Optional<String> present = Optional.of(PRESENT_VALUE);

        public static void serialize() {
            final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules();
            final String json = mapper.writeValueAsString(new Bean());
            System.out.println(json); // will print '{"empty":null,"notSet":null,"present":"present"}'



Nulls will be deserialized as Optional.empty() Example:

    public class JavaOptionalDeserializeTest {

        public static class Bean {

            public static final String PRESENT_VALUE = "present";

            private Optional<String> empty = Optional.empty();

            private Optional<String> notSet;

            private Optional<String> present = Optional.of(PRESENT_VALUE);


        public void testDeserialize() throws Exception {
            final Bean bean = new ObjectMapper().findAndRegisterModules()
                                                .readValue("{\"empty\":null,\"notSet\":null}", Bean.class);
            assertEquals(Optional.empty(), bean.empty);
            assertEquals(Optional.empty(), bean.notSet);
            assertEquals(Optional.of(Bean.PRESENT_VALUE), bean.present);
