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GitHub case sensitivity checking
GitHub API query for a user/repo existence ignores case sensitivity but Git itself does not; therefore you can run into a problem when you specify a username like 'defv' (actually 'DefV'). rdoc.info queries GitHub for existence of this user/repo and we're told it exists, but when we try to clone, Git reports no matching repositories found. Need to catch this.
Your particular issue here has nothing to do with the case sensitivity checking; you don't have a master branch for that project -- just a gh-pages branch (which seems rather... odd).
We assume existence and doc generation against a default master branch.
Oh, thank you! BTW, better error message would be helpful.
You're definitely right; they could be more informative (pretty basic atm). The project is open source and patches are welcome :-).
I'm still in this case-sensitivity problem. There is this project named right-rails under the username MadRabbit. Since this project was not in rdoc.info, I entered the username in all downcase. Now the project page just displays Generation Documentation and its been 48 hours. Can you guys look at it! Thanks
I've removed and re-added this project. Seems to generate fine now.