database_form icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
database_form copied to clipboard

Database Form Page Extension for Radiant CMS

= Database Form Extension for Radiant

The Database Form extension enables Radiant users to build form pages that will save visitor responses to a database table. Those responses can then be exported for consumption in some other application (CRM, etc).

Install the extension, run the rake radiant:extensions:database_form:migrate task, and the rake radiant:extensions:database_form:update task. These tasks will add the necessary database table to your Radiant installation and copy over the JavaScript that's required for client-side validation.

Once you've done this, log into the Radiant admin and set the page type of the page where you'll build the form to DatabaseFormPage. Then create your form using tags. Here's an example of usage:

<r:database:form name="requestinfo" redirect_to="/contact/thank-you">
  <r:database:text name="name"/><br/>
  <r:database:text name="email"/><br/>
  Primary Interest:<br/>
  <r:database:select name="primary_interest">
    <r:database:option name="work"/>
    <r:database:option name="fun!"/>
  <r:database:submit value="Submit"/>
  <r:database:reset value="Reset"/>

As shown above, you can use the redirect_to attribute to specify where the visitor should be redirected to after submitting the form.

The entire inventory of tags includes:

<r:database:form name="" redirect_to="" validate="">...</r:database:form> <r:database:text name="" validate=""/> <r:database:password name="" validate=""/> <r:database:checkbox name="" validate=""/> <r:database:hidden name="" validate=""/> <r:database:textarea name="" validate=""/> <r:database:radio name="" validate=""/> <r:database:radiogroup name="" validate="">...</r:database:radiogroup> <r:database:select name="" validate="">...</r:database:select> <r:database:option name=""/> <r:database:us_states/> <r:database:ca_provinces/> <r:database:countries/> <r:database:submit/> <r:database:reset/>

Note that most tags support client-side validation. Thanks to Andrew Tetlaw for his spiffy Prototype-based validation JavaScript. If you wish to include validation in your form, you must set the validate attribute in the form tag. You can then choose from a variety of validation routines for the form elements, including: required, validate-number, validate-digits, validate-alpha, validate-alphanum, validate-date, validate-email, validate-url, validate-currency-dollar, validate-selection, and validate-one-required. You'll also need to include prototype in your layout, of course (IMPORTANT; without it validation won't work).

<r:database:form name="contact" validate="true"> <r:database:text name="name" validate="required"/> <r:database:text name="email" validate="required validate-email"/> </r:database:form>

If you care to, you can style these validations using CSS:

input.validation-failed, textarea.validation-failed { border: 1px solid #900; color: #900; } .validation-advice { margin: 5px 0; padding: 5px; background-color: #900; color: #FFF; font-weight: bold; }

The Database Forms extension also adds a tab to Radiant's admin interface which can be used to export user form data. You can select by form name (the name you assigned to a form in its tag) and date ranges. XML is the only supported export format at this time.

Maybe we'll sexy this up some day and make listings browsable through the admin but the most common use case is probably exporting data, and that's what we needed at the time, so it is what it is. If you'd like to extend it, we definitely welcome submissions.

This extension is based on the Mailer extension by Matt McCray and (originally) Sean Cribbs. It was inspired by a post on SuperGloo's blog but should be a bit more flexible than what was described there, allowing you to add arbitrary forms at will without adding database tables (model attributes for the FormResponse model are serialized and stored in a content text area).

Developed by Nick Plante for Ubikorp Internet Services. Tested on Radiant 0.6.4.