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So long is a game development project at 42. This project focuses on creating a game in C using the Minilibx library


Table of Contents

Dino Wars



Dino Wars

Dino Wars is a game produced by me for my So_Long project at 42, Abu Dhabi. This project is a very small 2D game. Its purpose is to make you work with textures, sprites, and some other very basic gameplay elements.

Main Menu Tutorial Screen Win Gameplay Lose Gameplay Easter Egg

Gameplay and Graphics

ezgif com-video-to-gif

Game Logic

Figma Mind Map

You can have a look into how the game logic works and also contribute to make it more efficient but leaving sticky notes

Updates and Development

Dino Wars Repository, will be the main repo for this games development and updates. This repository is specifically for the project So_long.


Clone the repository, make a bonus, and then run the executable file with the choice of your map in /map folder.

  cd so_long
  make bonus
  ./so_long_bonus ./map/map1_bonus.ber

So_Long Guide

In this guide, I will be mainly focusing on creating the game logic, animations and how you can achieve anything using MiniLibX

Understanding MiniLibX

The best place to start would be MiniLibX Docs, It can be very intimidating at first, but believe me, this tool is a wonder!

Refer to the following sections while going through the MiniLibX Docs

Getting Started

  • Create a new C program and try initializing MLX and a window

  • The part where you create a new image using mlx_new_image() is not necessary, as per my experience you will never be using it. Instead use mlx_pixel_put() to understand how you have control over the MLX window

  • Concepts of colors, little endian, and big-endian were also not used in my project, only initial testing and understanding of MLX involved colors.

  • Your key takeaway from the Getting Started page of MiniLibX would be to successfully understand the initialization of MLX and how you can control the graphics

Pixelput Project (Understanding Graphics)

This project will give you a very simple and easy idea about how you render images onto the MLX Window

The MLX window assigns the position of each pixel using the X and Y positions starting from the top left corner


void render_square(void)
    int x;
    int y;

    x = 350;
    y = 350;
    while (x < 450)
        while(y < 450)
        mlx_pixel_put(mlx, win, x, y, color);
    y = 350;

The above code simply goes through a loop and renders 1 pixel every time with different X and Y positions, resulting in a simple square in your Window


Now that you're aware of how you have access to each and every pixel in your window let's go ahead and see how you can interact with your window

The next section in the MiniLibX Docs about color will not be used, however it's your choice to experiment on that, but I would suggest not spending a lot of time on that section

Loops, Hooks and Events


Loop refers to the infinite loop that goes on infinitely throughout your program. mlx_loop() is the perfect example, it keeps your program running infinitely unless exit() is initiated


Hooks look for the input that you pass through the program, through your mouse or keyboard. MiniLibx has different functions for each input device. However, the best way would be to use mlx_hook() and then assign events as per the prototype. You'll learn about this more in a while.


Events are just the input event that happens, refer to the table below for more information

Integrating inputs

Integrating inputs are little tricky, there are certain rules you have to go through

mlx_hook (mlx, win, key, mask, function, parameter)

The above is a simplified prototype of mlx_hook

  • Mlx and win refer to the pointers

  • Key refers to the input key that you want your program to be looking for (refer to the table below)

  • Mask refers to the key mask (not important, you can learn about this in the end)

  • Function refers to the function you want to call when the key is pressed, your function prototype should match the prototype of the corresponding key (refer to the table below)

  • Parameter is the parameter you will be passing to the Function that is called.

If you notice the prototype column in the table below, the *param is the same parameter that is passed from mlx_hook to the function that is called.

Key Event Prototype
2 Key press int (*f)(int keycode, void *param)
3 Key release int (*f)(int keycode, void *param)
4 Mouse Click
5 Mouse Release int (*f)(int button, int x, int y, void *param)
6 Moving Mouse int (*f)(int x, int y, void *param)

This table is a mini version of the one you see on MinilibX, these are the ones that are good to start with and then you can progress with more advanced keys depending on your project


Quitting the program

This example elaborates on how you can integrate ESC to quit your program

The header defines the keycode that your function will be looking for to quit the game

It's important to use a struct that has all the variables that you use in your program as you can only pass one parameter through your functions

#define ESC = 53     (Defining the keycode of ESC)

typedef struct s_vars{
    void    *mlx;
    void    *win;

The main function starts with initializing mlx and a window, we set the mlx_hook() to look for buttons pressed by passing the key as 2 (refer to the event table) and mask 0 as we won't be needing that

We pass the quit() function as per the prototype (refer event table) with the parameter as vars

It's very important to dynamically allocate memory using malloc and initializing all your variables regardless of memory allocation as you are working with structs and lists, you'll learn about it as we go ahead

int main()
    t_vars  *vars;

    vars = NULL;
    vars = malloc(sizeof(t_vars));

    vars->mlx = mlx_init();
    vars->win = mlx_new_window(vars->mlx, 1920 , 1080 , "HELLO");

    mlx_hook(vars->win, 2, 0, quit, vars);

When any button is pressed quit function initiates, but unless the key is ESC it won't quit

int quit(int keycode, t_vars *vars)
        if (keycode == ESC)
            mlx_destroy_window(vars->mlx, vars->win);

The above code should stop the program and exit whenever ESC is pressed

Moving box using keys

Remember how we created a square box using mlx_pixel_put(), lets move the box using the same logic of keys

Let's add some more variables for the position of our square into our struct, and define some more macros for movement buttons

#define ESC     53
#define W       13
#define A	    0
#define S	    1
#define D	    2

typedef struct s_vars{
    void    *mlx;
    void    *win;
    int     box_x;
    int     box_y;

Let's use the render function for square, but this time with x + vars->box_x and y + vars->box_y in x and y for mlx_pixel_put()

int render_square(t_vars *vars)
    int x;
    int y;

    x = 350;
    y = 350;
    while(x < 450)
        while(y < 450)
        mlx_pixel_put(vars->mlx, vars->win, x + vars->box_x, y + vars->box_y, 0xFFDDFF);
    y = 350;

Let's change our quit function to a keys function and add movement keys to it too, every time you press any movement keys, it changes its position by 10 pixels

int keys(int keycode, t_vars *vars)
        if (keycode == ESC)
            mlx_destroy_window(vars->mlx, vars->win);
        if (keycode == W)
            vars->box_y -= 10;
        if (keycode == A)
            vars->box_x -= 10;
        if (keycode == S)
            vars->box_y += 10;
        if (keycode == D)
            vars->box_x += 10;

We'll add mlx_loop_hook() for our render function, it will infinitely call our render function, while at the same time keeping in account the position of our box using box_x and box_y

int main()
    t_vars  *vars;

    vars = NULL;
    vars = malloc(sizeof(t_vars));

    vars->box_x = 0;
    vars->box_y = 0;

    vars->mlx = mlx_init();
    vars->win = mlx_new_window(vars->mlx, 1920 , 1080 , "HELLO");

    mlx_loop_hook(vars->mlx, render_square, vars);
    mlx_hook(vars->win, 2, 0, keys, vars);

Now when you run your program you should be able to move the box, but you'll see a very weird result where the box leaves a trail, and it looks like you're just painting your screen


In fact what we want this


mlx_clear_window() & mlx_do_sync()

To fix the trial effect, we simply use these two functions which literally do what they say

mlx_clear_window(): Clears the window back to nothing, just a black screen.

mlx_do_sync(): Syncs all the new rendered pixels that are put after rendering, like a refresh button

Just adding mlx_clear_window() before we start to render the pixels and then mlx_do_sync() after we finish the render should fix it for us

int render_square(d_vars *vars)
    int x;
    int y;

    x = 350;
    y = 350;
    mlx_clear_window(vars->mlx, vars->win);
    while(x < 450)
        while(y < 450)
        mlx_pixel_put(vars->mlx, vars->win, x + vars->x, y + vars->y, 0xFFDDFF);
    y = 350;

Concluding your first program

Congratulations, you successfully have a functional mini-game. Just with these concepts, you can create a full-fledged game like Dino Wars.

Furthermore, in this guide, I will be going through how to work with your own textures and then how you can master animation

Some key points to remember from this exercise

  • It is important to work with structures when it comes to MLX or Game as it gives you too much flexibility

  • Keep track of each and every memory, and initialize every variable in your structures, further on in this guide you will see how we will be connecting different structs and linked lists to each other, in this case, its really important to start the habit of this concept from the base itself

Understanding Textures & Sprites

A key feature of a dope game is graphics, it's really important to understand how graphics work and how you can use it to your advantage creatively and make GAME OF THE YEAR!!!!!

Textures are basically images that you use for your game, Sprites are a set of textures that together when sequentially displayed look like a video or animation

Texture Sprite (set of textures)

How to create perfect textures and Sprites?

You can find textures online from websites such as, you can download textures that you like and then use softwares such as Photoshop or Photopea (Free and Online alternative for Photoshop) to edit your textures

Ideally, we would be going for creating PNGs so that we can convert them to XPM later on and use them in our game

Make sure your texture size does not have white spaces:

Right Wrong
Screenshot_1 Screenshot_2

It's important to make sure that your texture size does not have extra white spaces as it will mess around with the hitbox/collision boundary of your object

Proper organization for Sprites

When creating sprites it is important that each of your textures is aligned and organized properly with numbering starting from 0

I personally organize it as /player_idle_r/0.png

This might look intimidating and time-consuming but it is very important, better to do it the right way or not do it at all

Preparing your textures for MLX

MLX takes in PNG as well as XPM as input format for texture input. However, using PNG is unstable in MiniLibX, so we convert out textures from PNG to XPM. Use ImageMagick for this, it is a opensource and perfect tool for this project

Importing and Rendering Textures in MLX

Now that you have prepared your texture in XPM format for MLX, let's go ahead and import it to your program and then render it in your window

Program 2.0

We add another struct and link it to our main struct, you'll see further why we link it to the main struct

void *img: is the pointer to the image that is passed to render on the screen

int w & int h: refers to the width and height of the image that we pass. This is used to calculate the hitbox or collision boundary of your objects

int x & int y: refers to the x and y position of the object that you will be working on width

struct s_obj *next: is a linked list for linking your sprite and animating

#define ESC     53
#define W       13
#define A	    0
#define S	    1
#define D	    2

typedef struct s_obj{
    void *img;
    int w;
    int h;
    int x;
    int y;
    struct s_obj *next;

typedef struct s_vars{
    void    *mlx;
    void    *win;
    t_obj   *car;

We allocate memory for our Car and then load the texture to its *img using mlx_xpm_file_to_image()

mlx_xpm_file_to_image() take *mlx, path to your texture, address to store w and h of your image, car->w & car->h in our case

int main()
    t_vars  *vars;

    vars = NULL;
    vars = malloc(sizeof(t_vars));

    vars->car = malloc(sizeof(t_obj));
    vars->car->x = 0;
    vars->car->y = 0;
    vars->car->next = NULL;
    vars->car->img = mlx_xpm_file_to_image(vars->mlx, "./texture.xpm", &vars->car->w, &vars->car->h);

    vars->mlx = mlx_init();
    vars->win = mlx_new_window(vars->mlx, 1920 , 1080 , "HELLO");

    mlx_loop_hook(vars->mlx, render_car, vars);
    mlx_hook(vars->win, 2, 0, keys, vars);

We change our function to render_car and use the *img along with the X and Y position from the object

int render_car(b_vars *vars)
    int x;
    int y;

    x = 350;
    y = 350;
    mlx_clear_window(vars->mlx, vars->win);
    while(x < 450)
        while(y < 450)
        mlx_put_image_to_window(vars->mlx, vars->win, vars->car->img, vars->car->x, vars->car->y);
    y = 350;

Collisions and Hit Boxes

Now that you are successfully able to put an object inside your game and control it, it is time to understand how you can make it interact with other objects inside your game

Understanding your resources

The object struct that we created has everything you need to make it interact with other things

Let's assume we have two objects Car and Wall and you don't want the car to move right through the Wall

ezgif com-video-to-gif (7)

You have to calculate that the next move is only valid if the Car does not overlap with the Wall

To calculate need to see that the start and the end of the Car i.e car->x and car->x + car->w do not fall under the range of wall->x and wall->x + wall->w.

BUT the above condition should only be valid when car->y and car->y + car->h does not fall in the range of wall->y and wall->y + wall->h

This was a simple way of how just using these 4 variables you can control any collision, event, or automated movements

Tips and tricks

  • Refer to lim(), wall_bound(), and similar functions in /src to see how you can efficiently with the same pattern handle different types of interactions between objects

  • I have created a separate struct in my game which runs through a function and returns the boundaries that need to be calculated

This is how it looks

typedef struct s_box
    int	m_min; \\ Moving axis of the object || Start point of the Object
    int	m_max; \\ m_min + (w || h) || End point of the object
    int	m_bd; \\ Boundry of the collision object (col->w || col->h)
    int	bd; \\ Inverted bd
    int	min; \\ Inverted m_min [Constant Min]
    int	max; \\ Inverted m_max [Constant Max]

The m_ is for the axis that is moving, everything in that will be correlated. If the moving axis is X then we go for the W, similarly if Y we go for H

Inverted is the other axis which will be constant. This is quite a complicated algorithm that I came up with, try coming up with your own efficient way, that way you will be able to have full control over everything


Now comes the part that makes your game look alive, animation is fairly a easy concept but can be very tricky

Let's say your sprite has 4 textures, you load the animation to a linked list which has all the textures on individual nodes linked ending at NULL

Every time you call mlx_put_image_to_window() you just keep returning the next node's image and it keeps the animation happening

You will have to use usleep() in order to give a slight delay in between every animated frame to make the animation visible

Pseudo Code

Main render function
    animation node temp = next_node(frame, linkedlist_sprite)

next_node function 
    static int i;
    sprite temp;

    temp = linkedlist_sprite

    if(i >= frames)
    i = 0

    return(helperfunction(i, temp))

Helper function
   while (i < frame)
	temp = temp->next;


Now every time you render this in mlx_loop_hook() it will give you a new and different animation


This guide should get you ready to produce a perfectly fine game, take your time, enjoy the project, and push your creative limits !!!

You can reach out to me if you need any help at [email protected]

Thank you for going through the guide, don't forget to give it a star if you liked it! and All the best with your project!