I use cocoapods install SwiftyUserDefaults, and the version is 5.3 I'm really confused. but If i implementation the DefaultsSerializable, it works.
如果作者不继续维护的话,我会用 swift rewrite 一版,然后维护一下。
Hi, recently I found the repo. And It helps me a lot. So I leave this issue to you. Thanks a lot
比如,我的问题“李白是谁” 回答总会丢掉‘李’,导致回答是这样的 "白是中国唐代的著名诗人xxxx" 我试了多个提问均有这样的问题,比如我问“who is kobe” 回答是"obe is American basketball player" 少了K
I think in the `CloudKitRecordRepresentable` protocol, the `cloudKitRecordType` should be a `static var ` property. here is the code sample. ``` func fetchRecords(type: CKRecord.RecordType) async throws -> ([CKRecord], CKQueryOperation.Cursor?) ```...