zm-ajax-login-register copied to clipboard
Creates a simple login and register modal with an optional shortocde
Its about time this is removed in place of a simpler solution. i.e., or even something simpler, more modern.
I'm doing the pull request related to this issue, when the redirection is not working for the subsites on a WP MultiSite.
The following needs a home in the plugin ``` function zm_alr_pro_comment_form_filter( $defaults ){ global $zm_alr_pro_settings; if ( ! empty( $zm_alr_pro_settings['login_handle'] ) ){ $class = str_replace( '.', '', $zm_alr_pro_settings['login_handle'] ); $defaults['must_log_in']...
menu link: on click should be load modal on klick on "bereits registriert" page stopps working it would be so nice to have it working. i would recommed...
Create a new shortcode that would allow users to add a login/register link. The reasoning for using a shortcode as apposed to a simple `
The bug #95 is not solved. It is working bad on WPMU (aka WP Network) installs, because it is redirecting to the main site, not working on subsites. Also, it...
Lets find a way to allow users to create a "login" page, have it show in the menu, not launch the dialog, but still change to logout.
Si Captcha integration per suggestion from @master412160 found here:
Some users are reporting a bug that users can not login using Facebook due to usernames already existing.
Try and get this working with the WP All In One Security Plugin.