Results 63 issues of Aleksei Zinovev

val conv1Weights: Variable = tf.variable(Shape.make(5L, 5L, NUM_CHANNELS, 32), Float::class.javaObjectType) val conv1Biases: Variable = tf.variable(Shape.make(32), Float::class.javaObjectType) Could be rewritten in the tf.variable(Shape.make(32)) via extension functions inline with reified types

1. DL4j 2. TF 3. DJL (if it is possible)

1. Tensor calculations 2. Inference (with MNIST) 3. Graph for forward pass (optional) 4. LinReg (optional) 5. MNIST (2-3 layers) 6. LSTM (optional)

The draft list of data sources: 1. SQL Databases based on JDBC 2. XML 3. Protobuf 4. Parquet 5. ORC 6. SparkSQL 7. different files on the FileSystem 8. NoSQL...


- [ ] PGbox - [ ] PGcircle - [ ] PGpath


Now, the example project `examples-jdbc` is commented in `settings.gradle.kts`.


From @Jolanrensen > DataFrame.readResultSet(resultSet, PostgreSql) > cannot be called more than once! This is not expected behavior for me as dataframe calls are always functional. They do not modify the...


- [ ] common link with in the GET with parameters style is not supported correctly (add a test for this) - [ ] common url with login and password
