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[WIP] Bits per dim for generative models

Open kashif opened this issue 5 years ago • 1 comments

Model MNIST Fashion MNIST
NICE 4.36 -
MADE 2.04 -
MAF 1.89 -
Real NVP 1.06 -
Glow 1.05 -
FFJORD 0.99 -
i-ResNET 1.05 -
Residual Flow 0.97 -
Flow++ - -
Convolutional DRAW - -
PixelRNN - -
PixelCNN - -
Gated PixelCNN - -
Image Transformer - -
PixelSNAIL - -
MintNet 0.98 -
SOS 1.81 -
NAF - -
TAN - -

cc @rvollgraf

kashif avatar Jun 08 '19 21:06 kashif

Hi, may I ask what is the correct way of calculating bit/dim ( for different n-bits images) from NLL ?

gitlabspy avatar Feb 22 '21 05:02 gitlabspy