trilium copied to clipboard
(Feature request) I think a simple "smart equation" shortcut would help a lot.
Describe feature
Feature description: If I select some text and press a shortcut key, the editor gets the selected text, cleans the front/tail $
or \[
or $$
text, and puts the remaining text in the equation editing box.
I think this feature is simple enough but would make equation editing much easier. It also helps a lot to tidy the imported mark-down file having equations.
Additional Information
No response
I have a script that turns selected text into a formula, I changed it slightly to remove the $ and $$, hope it does what you need.
setTimeout(() => { api.bindGlobalShortcut("alt+=",function (){ if (window.getSelection().toString()!=""){ var clip=window.getSelection().toString(); setTimeout(() => { window.getSelection().deleteFromDocument(); }, 50); setTimeout(() => {document.querySelectorAll("")[0].click();}, 100); setTimeout(() => { document.querySelectorAll("")[0].click();}, 110); setTimeout(() => { var input=document.querySelectorAll('')[0]; clip = clip.replace(/^[$]+|[$]+$/g, ""); clip = clip.replace(/^\${2,}|\${2,}$/g, ""); input.value=clip; input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); }, 200); setTimeout(() => { document.querySelectorAll("")[0].click();//Automatically click the save button }, 250); } else { setTimeout(() => {document.querySelectorAll("")[0].click();}, 10); setTimeout(() => {document.querySelectorAll("")[0].click();}, 20); } } ); }, 1000);
@SiriusXT Wow, this one looks amazing. However, I'm a noob, could you please show me how to run this code?
Use the content of the above script to create a JS Frontend type code note, then add the #widget label, and finally restart the note software. The shortcut key is alt+=.
Thank you @SiriusXT , I think I am almost there.
However, I get an unexpected token )
error in the first setTimeout(() = >{
statement. I tried to move other setTimeout(() = >{
section to the first few lines and the error repeats. Did I miss something?
OK, it is now working. I think it's my formating tool that caused this.
The following picture shows my working sample.
Again, thanks a lot, you saved my day @SiriusXT
@SiriusXT, a little advise for the future: when you want to post a script in a comment, try this:
```<programming language here ('js' in your case)> <your code> ```
For example:
setTimeout(() => {
api.bindGlobalShortcut("alt+=", function() {
if (window.getSelection().toString() != "") {
var clip = window.getSelection().toString();
setTimeout(() => {
}, 50);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 110);
setTimeout(() => {
var input = document.querySelectorAll('')[0];
clip = clip.replace(/^[$]+|[$]+$/g, "");
clip = clip.replace(/^\${2,}|\${2,}$/g, "");
input.value = clip;
input.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
}, 200);
setTimeout(() => {
document.querySelectorAll("")[0].click(); //Automatically click the save button
}, 250);
} else {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 10);
setTimeout(() => {
}, 20);
}, 1000);
Hope this helps! :)
@SiriusXT, can you please help me understand why setTimeout() is used this way? Why wait 1s before binding the shortcut, and why not just call those functions sequentially rather than scheduling them for execution at staggered intervals?
This sounds like a good feature for
This implementation is relatively rough. Execution at time intervals is just to wait for the webpage to load, and sometimes it can be executed directly
@SiriusXT BTW, if i want to write other front-end scripts, where can I find the element names like ck-button
, ck-balloon-panel_with-arrow
and 'ck-input' to operate?
I found it by right-clicking on the browser and inspecting the element
@SiriusXT BTW, if i want to write other front-end scripts, where can I find the element names like
and 'ck-input' to operate?
The ck-* elements are (I am guessing) part of the CKEditor. You could also find the element names by searching the source on GitHub.
Thanks @SiriusXT, it's a smart idea. I had spent some time searching for the documents and any "debugging" option in my client.
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