Susumu Yamazaki

Results 59 comments of Susumu Yamazaki

Thank you for your contribute @fhunleth @dimitarvp Your information assure me that the software architecture of Pelemay works well on non-tested architectures like ARM. And thank you for your advice...

```elixir %{ include: ["stdbool.h": :system, "erl_nif.h": :system, "tmp.h": :local] } ``` is corresponding to : ```c #include #include #include"tmp.h" ```

:math.exp/1 :rand Tuple.to_list (for dot) Enum.chunk_every support NumPy.atleast_2d Support Numexy

I request you to make a lot of effort to solve this issue, more than any other issues, @hisaway Other issues is less important for me than this issue.

I believe that will be useful to support `mix upload.hotswap`.

I implemented it but it is much slower than Kernel.... ```c static ERL_NIF_TERM concat_1(ErlNifEnv *env, int argc, const ERL_NIF_TERM argv[]) { if(__builtin_expect(argc != 2, false)) { return enif_make_badarg(env); } ERL_NIF_TERM...

`make -f _build/dev/lib/pelemay/build/`: ``` % make -f _build/dev/lib/pelemay/build/ /usr/bin/clang -S -o ../obj/libnifelixirpelemaysample.s -Ofast -g -ansi -pedantic -I/Users/zacky/github/pelemay_sample/deps/pelemay/lib/pelemay/generator/native -I/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/23.1.4/lib/erlang/erts-11.1.3/include -std=c11 -Wno-unused-function -fPIC -I`xcrun --show-sdk-path 2>/dev/null`/usr/include clang: error: no input files make:...

Enum.filter/2 Enum.sort/1 String.replace/2 Enum.reduce/3 calling a function (only in defpelemay) in String.split/2 Enum.into/2 String.slice/2 Enum.split/2 Enum.uniq_by/2 Enum.group_by/3

This error will occur when the architecture of the prebuilt NIF library does not match that of running CPU.