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Gradient has not been updated by backward since last step

Open gwy-nk opened this issue 7 years ago • 9 comments

@ck37 @jergason @rravu3 @sebg @mbrookes I have the problem. How can I solve it?

UserWarning: Gradient of Parameter multimodel0_embedding0_weight on context cpu(0) has not been updated by backward since last step. This could mean a bug in your model that maked it only use a subset of the Parameters (Blocks) for this iteration. If you are intentionally only using a subset, call step with ignore_stale_grad=True to suppress this warning and skip updating of Parameters with stale gradient

gwy-nk avatar Nov 08 '17 12:11 gwy-nk

In which notebook?

kevinthesun avatar Nov 08 '17 20:11 kevinthesun

@kevinthesun It's not in these notebooks. I just encounter the warning when I build a neural network. It happens when I use the embedding layer in a for-loop according to my data.

My code is here:

def __init__(self, mode, vocab_size, num_embed, num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=0.5, tie_weights=False, **kwargs): super(Multimodel, self).__init__(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): = gluon.nn.Sequential(), nn.Embedding(vocab_size, num_embed, weight_initializer=mx.init.Uniform(0.1)), rnn.LSTM(num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=dropout, input_size=num_embed) ) self.rnn = rnn.LSTM(num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=dropout, input_size=num_embed) self.dense = gluon.nn.Dense(Config.args_Num_class, activation="relu") self.num_hidden = num_hidden

news_sentence = ndarray.empty([sen_num, batch_size, self.num_hidden], ctx=context) for index, _ in enumerate(news_text): out_sen_rnn =[index]) news_sentence[index] = out_sen_rnn[sen_len-1] news_sentence = news_sentence.transpose([1, 0, 2]) out_sen_rnn = self.rnn(news_sentence) output = self.dense(out_sen_rnn)

UserWarning: Gradient of Parameter multimodel0_embedding0_weighton context cpu(0) has not been updated by backward since laststep. This could mean a bug in your model that maked it only use a subset of the Parameters (Blocks) for this iteration. If you are intentionally only using a subset, call step with ignore_stale_grad=True to suppress this warning and skip updating of Parameters with stale gradient

gwy-nk avatar Nov 09 '17 01:11 gwy-nk

@Gyaya Usually this issue comes from training. Can you post your training code? After you do backward for a network, you want to make sure all the gradients computed by backward are used to update network parameters. If you don't want to update some parts of your network, you should detach the output: so that gradients of this part of network are not computed.

kevinthesun avatar Nov 13 '17 06:11 kevinthesun


Last waring has been solved. But the loss and accuracy in each epoch don't change. I don't know why this happned.

Here is my network defination

`import mxnet as mx from mxnet import gluon, autograd from mxnet.gluon import nn, rnn from mxnet import ndarray from PIL import Image import os import numpy as np from pprint import pprint import sys import data_helper

class Config(): args_data = './data/nlp/ptb.' args_imgpath = "./data/images" args_model = 'lstm' args_emsize = 128 args_nhid = 128 args_nlayers = 2 args_lr = 0.1 args_clip = 0.2 args_epochs = 20 args_batch_size = 10 args_bptt = 10 args_dropout = 0.2 args_tied = True args_cuda = 'store_true' args_log_interval = 500 args_save = 'model_2lyer.param' args_vocab_size = 96806 args_senLen_keepProb = 0.6 args_senNum_keepProb = 0.6 args_imgNum_keepProb = 0.6 args_Num_class = 3

class Sentence_rnn(nn.Block): def init(self, mode, vocab_size, num_embed, num_hidden, num_layers, dropout, model=None, **kwargs): super(Sentence_rnn, self).init(**kwargs) with self.name_scope(): self.drop = nn.Dropout(dropout) if model is not None: self.encoder = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, num_embed, params=model.encoder.collect_params()) self.rnn = rnn.LSTM(num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=dropout, input_size=num_embed, params=model.rnn.collect_params()) else: self.encoder = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, num_embed, weight_initializer=mx.init.Uniform(0.1)) self.rnn = rnn.LSTM(num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=dropout, input_size=num_embed) self.num_hidden = num_hidden

def forward(self, input, text_struct, context, *args):
    #embedding = self.drop(self.encoder(input))
    embedding = self.encoder(input)
    output = self.rnn(embedding)
    output = data_helper.getTail(output, text_struct, context)
    return output

class Multimodel(gluon.Block): """A model with an encoder, recurrent layer, and a decoder."""

def __init__(self, mode, vocab_size, num_embed, num_hidden,
             num_layers, sen_num, image_num, dropout=0.5,**kwargs):
    super(Multimodel, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    with self.name_scope():
        self.net_rnn = gluon.nn.Sequential()
        with self.net_rnn.name_scope():
            self.net_rnn_0 = Sentence_rnn(mode, vocab_size, num_embed, num_hidden,
                 num_layers, dropout)
            for i in range(1, sen_num):
                self.net_rnn.add(Sentence_rnn(mode, vocab_size, num_embed, num_hidden,
                                              num_layers, dropout, model=self.net_rnn_0))

        self.rnn = rnn.LSTM(num_hidden, num_layers, dropout=dropout,
        self.dense = gluon.nn.Dense(Config.args_Num_class, activation="relu")

def _normalizeText(self, text, sen_len, sen_num):
    #sen_len * sen_num
    struct = []
    struct_text = []
    for key in text.keys():
        sentence = text[key]
        if len(sentence)<sen_len:
            sentence.extend([0 for i in range(sen_len-len(sentence))])
            sentence = sentence[0:sen_len]

    if (len(struct_text)) < sen_num:
        struct_text.extend([[0 for j in range(sen_len)] for i in range(sen_num-len(struct_text))])
        struct.extend([0 for _ in range(sen_num - len(struct))])
        struct_text = struct_text[0:sen_num]
        struct = struct[0:sen_num]
    return struct_text, struct

#(data_text, data_image, news_id_batches[i])
def forward(self, data_text, data_image, news_ids, sen_len, sen_num, image_num, hidden, context):
    news_struct = []
    news_text = []

    # 数据预处理
    batch_size = len(news_ids)
    for news_id in news_ids:
        # print(news_id)
        text, struct = self._normalizeText(data_text[news_id], sen_len, sen_num)

    news_text = mx.nd.array(news_text, ctx=context).transpose([1, 2, 0])
    news_struct = np.array(news_struct).transpose([1, 0])

    # 新闻文本处理
    news_sentence = ndarray.zeros([1, batch_size, Config.args_nhid])
    # news_sentence = ndarray.empty([sen_num, batch_size, Config.args_nhid], ctx=context)
    for i, b in enumerate(self.net_rnn):
        unit_out = b(news_text[i], news_struct[i], context).reshape([1, batch_size, Config.args_nhid])
        news_sentence = ndarray.concat(news_sentence, unit_out, dim=0)

    news_sentence = news_sentence[1:news_sentence.shape[0]-1]
    # print("news_sentence", news_sentence.shape)

    output, hidden = self.rnn(news_sentence, hidden)

    output = output.transpose([1, 0, 2])
    output = self.dense(output)

    return output, hidden

def begin_state(self, *args, **kwargs):
    return self.rnn.begin_state(*args, **kwargs)


Here is my train Function `def detach(hidden): if isinstance(hidden, (tuple, list)): hidden = [i.detach() for i in hidden] else: hidden = hidden.detach() return hidden

def eval(data_source): total_L = 0.0 ntotal = 0 train_acc = 0.0 i = 0 hidden = model.begin_state(func = mx.nd.zeros, batch_size = config.args_batch_size, ctx=context) for (data_text, data_image, target) in get_batch(data_source): output, hidden = model(data_text, data_image, data_source[i], sen_len, sen_num, image_num, hidden, context) L = loss(output, target) total_L += mx.nd.sum(L).asscalar() ntotal += L.size train_acc += accuracy(output, target) i = i + 1 return total_L / ntotal, train_acc/data_source.shape[0]

def get_batch(news_id_batches): for index in range(news_id_batches.shape[0]): targets = [] data_image = {} data_text = {} for id in news_id_batches[index]: targets.append(labels[id]) data_image[id] = x_image[id] data_text[id] = x_text[id] yield data_text, data_image, mx.ndarray.array(targets, ctx=context)

def accuracy(output, label): return ndarray.mean(output.argmax(axis=1) == label).asscalar()

def train(): best_val = float("Inf") for epoch in range(config.args_epochs): train_acc = 0.0 train_loss = 0.0 start_time = time.time() hidden = model.begin_state(func = mx.nd.zeros, batch_size = config.args_batch_size, ctx = context) for i, (data_text, data_image, target) in enumerate(get_batch(train_news_id_batches)): hidden = detach(hidden) with autograd.record(): output, hidden = model(data_text, data_image, news_id_batches[i], sen_len, sen_num, image_num, hidden, context) L = loss(output, target) L.backward()

        train_loss += mx.nd.mean(L).asscalar()
        train_acc += accuracy(output, target)

        if i % config.args_bptt == 0 and i > 0:
            cur_L = train_loss / i
            cur_ACC = train_acc / i
            print('[Epoch %d Batch %d] loss %.2f, accuracy %.2f' % (
                epoch + 1, i, cur_L, cur_ACC))

    val_loss, val_acc = eval(val_news_id_batches)
    print('[Epoch %d] time cost %.2fs, validation loss %.2f, validation accuracy %.2f' % (
        epoch + 1, time.time() - start_time, val_loss, val_acc))

    if val_loss < best_val:
        best_val = val_loss
        test_loss, test_acc = eval(test_news_id_batches)
        print('test loss %.2f, test accuracy %.2f' % (test_loss, test_acc))
        args_lr = config.args_lr * 0.25
                                {'learning_rate': args_lr,
                                 'momentum': 0,
                                 'wd': 0})
        # model.load_params(config.args_save, context)

train() model.load_params(config.args_save, context)

test_loss, test_acc = eval(test_news_id_batches) print('Best test loss %.2f, test accuracy %.2f'%(test_loss, test_acc))`

gwy-nk avatar Nov 14 '17 14:11 gwy-nk

@kevinthesun - what's the status of this issue? Should I close?

zackchase avatar Nov 16 '17 02:11 zackchase

@Gyaya Take a look at this debug tutorial

kevinthesun avatar Nov 16 '17 08:11 kevinthesun

I have met the same issue for time series, and the common part between my code and this code is the reshape() in forward(). And got the error at the point trainer.step(batch_size).

aGiant avatar May 14 '20 11:05 aGiant

hello ,author, i meet the same question.could you tell me how to solve the warning

encichou avatar Jul 03 '20 03:07 encichou

I have met the same issue for time series, and the common part between my code and this code is the reshape() in forward(). And got the error at the point trainer.step(batch_size). could you tell me how to solve the warning

encichou avatar Jul 03 '20 03:07 encichou