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Using this algorithm for remote templates

Open shtaif opened this issue 9 years ago • 2 comments

The tests you demonstrate are quite amazing when compared to the stock Angular's ng-include.

I would really like to have this advantage because I do tend to split a lot of my HTML to separate templates for the sake of making them more manageable.

Now, I know this was designed specifically for inline templates, but despite that, I was wondering if it's technically possible to use the same method also for when templates are remote-fetched? Or is all the performance gain only the result of loading them the inline way?


Still looking for the perfect Angular (1.x), Dor.

shtaif avatar Jan 20 '16 14:01 shtaif

Hey Shtaif, I just don't really know how this would work -- not to say it can't though. Do you have something specific in mind? I'll mull it over and perhaps take a stab at it this weekend. Cheers.

zachsnow avatar Jan 27 '16 19:01 zachsnow

I implemented it, but I had to go back to the first implementation of the article, with compile phase. I guess it is a different use case, actually. Still, the resulting code is faster than with ng-include, so it is worth using for us.

class OptimInclude implements ng.IDirective {
    public restrict: string = "EA";
    public priority: number = 400;

    private $templateRequest: ng.ITemplateRequestService;
    private $compile: ng.ICompileService;

    public static factory(): ng.IDirectiveFactory {
        const directive: ng.IDirectiveFactory = ($templateRequest, $compile) => 
            new OptimInclude($templateRequest, $compile);
        directive.$inject = [ "$templateRequest", "$compile" ];
        return directive;

    constructor($templateRequest: ng.ITemplateRequestService, $compile: ng.ICompileService) {
        this.$templateRequest = $templateRequest;
        this.$compile = $compile;

    public link: ng.IDirectiveLinkFn = 
        (scope: ng.IScope, element: ng.IAugmentedJQuery, attributes: ng.IAttributes): any => {
            // <div optim-include="foo.html"></div>
            // or
            // <optim-include src="foo.html"></optim-include>
            const templateUrl = attributes["optimInclude"] || attributes["src"]; 
            if (!templateUrl) {
                throw new Error("optim-include directive must have a URL");
                .then((template: string) => {
                .catch((error: any) => { 
                    console.error("Unable to get template for " + templateUrl, error); 

The code is using TypeScript but it is rather trivial to go back to pure JS if needed. (NB : Optim / optim- is a silly prefix, just replacing our internal prefix; just replace with whatever fits your taste.)

PhiLhoSoft avatar Aug 03 '18 14:08 PhiLhoSoft