Results 23 comments of Zach Painter

@mbest recently you closed a pull request because you said it didn't do anything.. I am new at git hub and created the pull request incorrectly.. This one definitely does...

This is how I am using it... This fiddle is for getting knockout to work with jquery datatables..

@mbest @brianmhunt @SteveSanderson @rniemeyer @paglias @chrisprice why is this pull request being ignored???

Okay, @brianmhunt, I understand... Thank you for taking the time to reply! I really appreciate that.. This pull request does not conflict with existing code.. As for the Unit Tests......

@fervanrijswijk, You can use the debug version of knockout.js @ my fork located here: --> ... here you can download the file or just plop a reference to this...

@fervanrijswijk, here is a simple example of what you are trying to do...

@fervanrijswijk , it works! --> you forgot to add the quotes around your template name.. ;) ``` html ``` ``` javascript ko.applyBindings({ myItems: ko.observableArray(['A', 'B', 'C']), handleBeforeRender: function(elements, data)...

@mbest thanks for adding this feature. I'll test it out when I get to work tomorrow. At first glance I like the code because it follows the architecture already in...

@mbest I tested the other version shown in This somewhat breaks my [DataTablesForEach custom binding]( Mainly due to the callGlobalCallback function. Is there any reason why we do not...

@mbest Thanks for the simplification! That definitely works! I used it in a custom binding for jquery datatables. And verified that it works very amazingly. ``` javascript ko.bindingHandlers.dataTablesForEach = {...