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Test correct and incorrect type parameters from CVA6
This patch contains a standalone set of Ariane (CVA6) System Verilog RISCV processor files to test the type parameter bug in sv2v.
sv2v/test/type_param/ contains the unpatched files and fails with this error:
sv2v: field 'insn' not found in struct packed { logic x_compressed_valid; struct packed { logic [15:0] instr; logic [1:0] mode; logic [2:0] id; } x_compressed_req; logic x_issue_valid; struct packed { logic [31:0] instr; logic [1:0] mode; logic [2:0] id; logic [1:0][63:0] rs; logic [1:0] rs_valid; } x_issue_req; logic x_commit_valid; struct packed { logic [2:0] id; logic x_commit_kill; } x_commit; logic x_mem_ready; struct packed { logic exc; logic [5:0] exccode; } x_mem_resp; logic x_mem_result_valid; struct packed { logic [2:0] id; logic [63:0] rdata; logic err; } x_mem_result; logic x_result_ready; }, in expression acc_req_o.insn, within scope acc_dispatcher_20306, near core/ CallStack (from HasCallStack): error, called at src/Convert/Scoper.hs:376:22 in main:Convert.Scoper
possibly because the converter tries to find struct fields in a type parameter prior to substitution.
The alternative script:
uses a patched core/ which substitutes the default type parameter value directly:
< output acc_req_t acc_req_o,
< input acc_resp_t acc_resp_i
> output acc_pkg::accelerator_req_t acc_req_o,
> input acc_pkg::accelerator_resp_t acc_resp_i
and this generates a plausible output file:
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathan staff 7496480 23 Apr 10:50 cva6_nonsys.v
However, I don't have a suitable test bench or other methodology to add to the regression suite yet.