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React Native Typescript Monorepo Example

React Native Typescript Monorepo

This is a WIP but currently working. It is a yarn only monorepo for building applications built on react-native and compiled to web. I was able to accomplish the same thing with lerna, but for a monorepo who's libs will not be published (this has an enterprise focus) , lerna was fussy and added a layer of unneccesary compliation. Also yarn's hoisting is a dream come true and deps install extremely quickly, however hoisting is a big challenge with React Native as well as symlinks.


  • Hot-module Reload for both Web and Native app
  • Yarn monorepo
  • Typescript Based
  • Abstracted component libraries / modules split into "packages"
  • Multiple applications (Web, Native so far) consuming packages in "apps"


  • Published libs: If you wanted to publish the libs in /packages to NPM you can take a similar approach but I would highly recommend converting those libs to use TSDX. Note that in doing so you will run into additional complications however, and may want to pull those out of workspaces then use lerna with npm for symbolic linking
  • React native must not be hoisted for react-native-web to work. Even with webpack aliasing the internal libs want to pull from react-native first and it breaks web.

Known Issues

  • Native Startup is a little wonky but it works. We should just be able to run the native ios command but that is not auto-launching the bundler so we launch it separately. It is wrapped in one yarn command but the simulator has to be refreshed once loaded.
  • Sometimes the web app launches before the package libs are done transpiling. Simple fix is refresh the browser windown after launch (if it is blank).


  • ~~Add CRA Web Application~~
  • Add in unit tests
  • Add React Router with code splitting
  • Expand documentation and comment configuration throughout
  • Convert Native app to Expo
  • Add lib for Apollo Client
  • Add lib for Layouts
  • Abstract App into package
  • Add desktop application demo