plugin.program.iagl icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
plugin.program.iagl copied to clipboard

Keeps exiting out everytime the game starts

Open Loading617 opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Loading617 avatar Jun 27 '22 20:06 Loading617

I'm gonna need more than that. Like a debug log, steps to reproduce etc.

If I had to wager a guess, you're on Android and you're launching Retroarch External. Depending on your system, some cores may be installed, some not, etc. See the generic troubleshooting steps here.

zach-morris avatar Jun 27 '22 21:06 zach-morris

I'm running it on firestick

Loading617 avatar Jun 28 '22 03:06 Loading617

Android launching is fixed in 3.0.7 - the wiki will have to be updated but there are some caveats. Main one being that the files need to be downloaded to a shared directory (one that both apps can see given their permissions). The wizard is updated to account for this. Let me know if you run into any issues.

zach-morris avatar Mar 17 '23 04:03 zach-morris