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Fixed bug: keybindings bound to non keyboard keys caused GL ERROR every tick
Now using KTIG for keybindings (My new lib: https://github.com/Klotzi111/ktig) fixed bug: auto scroll will win against manual scroll when having very low framerate Scrolling the NBTTag now also works with mouse scroll when using amecs-api v1.2.1
Thank you for your contribution, but I'd rather not depend on anything. This is a small utility targeted towards mod and pack developers.
Plus I don't have the time to check the library to make sure it's trustworthy and stable for me to require as a dependency.
There must be a way to use non standard keys in fabric api alone, otherwise that's major enough to warrant a direct fix on the api itself.
I'll look into the low framerate making autoscroll win over the lock, I wasn't aware of the issue, but I can think of a few ways to fix it without introducing dependencies.
The auto scroll winning problem is very easily fixed without the library. Just look at my changed code.
I understand that you do not want to add a dependency/library. But the keybinding + gui problem is in almost every mod and my mission is to fix this major problem in a central library. So if many mods use this lib in the future you can easily use the lib as well.
I will try to bring the lib to fabric api but thats probably not going to happen because they do not add new stuff.
This is more of a bugfix than new functionality. Minecraft allows non standard keybinds, fabric doesn't handle them correctly
Minecraft allows non standard keybinds
Kind of. You can add new keycodes/mousebuttons to KEYSYM
fabric doesn't handle them correctly
Thats totally wrong. Fabric API has nothing to do with (non-)/standard keys.
The bug comes from you code:
You use InputUtil.isKeyPressed
and that is ONLY for keyboard keycodes. To support at least (almost) all vanilla keys (mouse and keyboard) you would need to change the method to:
private static boolean isPressed(MinecraftClient mc, KeyBinding key) {
if(key.isUnbound()) {
return false;
Key keyObject = InputUtil.fromTranslationKey(key.getBoundKeyTranslationKey());
long window = mc.getWindow().getHandle();
if(keyObject.getCategory() == InputUtil.Type.SCANCODE) {
return InputUtil.isKeyPressed(window, keyObject.getCode());
} else if (keyObject.getCategory() == InputUtil.Type.MOUSE) {
return GLFW.glfwGetMouseButton(window, keyObject.getCode()) == 1;
return false;
That would be way better but still not perfect
Guess I'll fix it then. I kinda assumed they weren't in different categories
I just realized there is absolutely 0 abstraction done on keys. On my linux system almost every key has type KEYSYM, that snippet you posted wouldn't work at all for me.
The one button I can get to be scancode is a device I have, that results in a button called scancode.191.
doesn't work with that, I need to use the wasPressed() method, which doesn't work when a screen is open apparently, which is where most of my keys would be pressed.
That's rough.
Yea exactly that is why I made KTIG and used in this pr to fix ALL those problems. I even told you that my snippet is no 100% solution. But my lib (KTIG) is (Or at least it should be and if it happens to be that it is not I will make it work). But if you do not want to use it I can not help.