Max Suraev

Results 27 comments of Max Suraev

Even Emacs itself supports XDG by default now. Any chance to see similar support by default in Spacemacs? - library which could be used to implement this feature request

As far as I know no other clients support keyring - so mpDris2 could be the first one and set an example of proper attention towards security. Supporting SecretsService API...

Checking for tags in headers and their consistency with LICENSE file would be a welcome addition.

In addition to that some real-life testing with "journalctl -o json -f" would be much appreciated.

On a related note: you can replicate this situation in your lab using

The following workaround works just fine for ugly Java app I have to work with: ``` [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=... ExecStop=... # Replace default systemd termination signal as daemon fails to...