Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson
AkikoOrenji, I've noticed there are several commands that won't seem to respond to a Ctrl-C interrupt request, but I don't think that's the same type of problem as with the...
Since it's been almost 3 years with no developer activity, I've just taken to using Win+R and runnning SSH in it's own window each time. I only revert to running...
I have to say, it's gratifying to hear others have similar frustrations with the Microsoft.Graph PowerShell module(s) (ie, I'm not alone) My vote would be for the consistency level=eventual option...
I've just started trying to use Powershell 7, and have been running into these problems as well. I use Edge - default profile is my regular user account, I have...
I'm getting the same error just on "Get-MgBetaTeamworkDevice" after connecting with a TeamsAdmin account - my admin account doesn't have any licenses, none of the other admin powershell modules seem...
Team 95, The Grasshoppers has been using a modified version of ScoutingPASS where we put all form fields on one tab, and just scroll for fields that don't show on...
No description, so not sure exactly what you have in mind for this issue. I have noticed that the form definition JSON data is in a string, and is parsed...
To test: does this bug still exist in the refactored getData function?
As a test, I just ran through the form, using Inspect Element to clear the default value for the Floor Pick Up field (fpu) so no option was checked. At...
Just confirmed in TSV mode as well. I modified the text output to include a ; as well as a tab, since browsers consolidate whitespace in text output, and would...