jsonlint copied to clipboard
Dear Zaach, how can we help?
Dear @zaach,
has been awesome ever since the first commit more than ten years ago.
But maintaining an open-source project can be hard, even under the best conditions. Time is limited, things changes, priorities shift, life happens.
What can we, the community at large, do to make sure jsonlint
stays awesome for another ten years?
This is your project. You built it, you maintained it for years, and all credit is yours. But it is floundering. It is not getting the love it needs. The love it deserves.
Let us lighten your load. Allow us to aid you in the thousand stupid little things that need doing but never seem to get done. If you decide what needs to be done, I am sure we are can make those things happen.
So, please, let us know: How can we help?
Yours Truly, Ben Peachey @potherca
Related to: #100 and #137
You can move to https://github.com/prantlf/jsonlint which has been healthily maintained for the last 4 years
If both of the maintainers agree, maybe can merge them, and manage under a separated GitHub project that maintained by several maintainers.