lizzieyzy copied to clipboard
MAC OS Version needs to initiate the setting everytime
I've downloaded the latest version (2023 June 15th) Yet everytime I opened , it asked me to reset the initiation and the engine. Is this a bug that i can fix or what should i do?
Futher, the sound issue remains in this version
According to my situation, the initiation setting problems is due to the way of opening .jar file Mine is using java launcher. After using terminal to open, problem solved. 根據我後來的嘗試,應該是因為開啟的方式所造成的 我猜測你可能是用JAVA LAUNCHER開啟(我的情況是這樣)
建議可以先安裝java It is recommended to install java. (via the link below) (
之後用Terminal來開啟 And open it via terminal
Terminal開啟jar檔案的方式為: 在Terminal裡輸入: java -jar 路徑/lizzie-yzy2.5.3-shaded.jar (jar後面有個空格,後面直接把jar檔案拉進來) The way of openning the .jar file in Terminal, is to type in as below: java -jar Path/lizzie-yzy2.5.3-shaded.jar (there's a space after "-jar", and it is able to drag the .jar file into terminal after that space)
這樣子打開文件,就不用每次都要重新初始設定 In this way, hopefully you don't need to reset the initiation setting every time you open the file.
此外,後續也可以透過把這個指令存成command 文件,以後就可以點選這個文件就可以啟用了 Further, it is able to save the configure into a command file, so that you can double click and the lizzieyzy be opened.
詳細步驟為: Steps as below:
Step 1: 將以下內容在TextEdit編輯,存成txt檔案 Put the below script into TextEdit, and save it as a .txt file.
#!/bin/bash java -jar /路徑/lizzie-yzy2.5.3-shaded.jar
Step 2: Then you need to change the file name in Finder, change it to .command File (it will ask you to choose between .command or .txt) 將剛剛的檔案改成.command檔 (去finder,直接把檔名改成.command,並且選保留.command)
Step 3: You have to use the Terminal to authenticate that command, so that command line can be executed. To do so, Go into Terminal type as below
chmod u+x Path/xxxx.command (you have to put a Space after "u+x", and you can drag the .command file after the space) and then you press enter
透過Terminal 輸入 chmod u+x 把剛剛的command檔案拖曳進來 "u+x"後面要加一個空格,再拖曳 然後按enter
Step 4: 理論上應該就可以成功了! Hopefully, everything worked.
However, the sound part still ain't working, i haven't found out the reason.