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A Collection of Resources for Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection (WSAD)
Weakly-supervised Anomaly Detection: A Survey
This repo is constructed for collecting and categorizing papers about weakly supervised anomaly detection models according to our survey paper——Weakly Supervised Anomaly Detection: A Survey
Summary and categorization of weakly supervised anomaly detection (WSAD) algorithms
We first summarize and further categorize existing WSAD algorithms into three categories, including: (i) incomplete supervision; (ii) inexact supervision; (iii) inaccurate supervision
1.Summary of WSAD Algorithms
Method | Reference | Venue | Backbone | Modalities | Key Idea | Official Code |
Incomplete Supervision | ||||||
OE | ref | KDD'14 | - | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | × |
XGBOD | ref | IJCNN'18 | - | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | √ |
DeepSAD | ref | ICLR'20 | MLP | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | √ |
ESAD | ref | Preprint | MLP | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | × |
DSSAD | ref | ICASSP'21 | CNN | Image/Video | Anomaly feature representation learning | × |
REPEN | ref | KDD'18 | MLP | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | × |
AA-BiGAN | ref | IJCAI'22 | GAN | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | √ |
Dual-MGAN | ref | TKDD'22 | GAN | Tabular | Anomaly feature representation learning | √ |
DevNet | ref | KDD'19 | MLP | Tabular | Anomaly score learning | √ |
PReNet | ref | Preprint | MLP | Tabular | Anomaly score learning | × |
FEAWAD | ref | TNNLS'21 | AE | Tabular | Anomaly score learning | √ |
SNARE | ref | KDD'09 | - | Graph | Graph learning and label propagation | × |
AESOP | ref | KDD'14 | - | Graph | Graph learning and label propagation | × |
SemiGNN | ref | ICDM'19 | MLP+Attention | Graph | Graph learning and label propagation | × |
SemiGAD | ref | IJCNN'21 | GNN | Graph | Graph learning and label propagation | × |
Meta-GDN | ref | WWW'21 | GNN | Graph | Graph learning and label propagation | √ |
SemiADC | ref | IS Journal'21 | GAN | Graph | Graph learning and label propagation | × |
SSAD | ref | JAIR'13 | - | Tabular | Active learning | × |
AAD | ref | ICDM'16 | - | Tabular | Active learning | √ |
SLA-VAE | ref | WWW'22 | VAE | Time series | Active learning | × |
Meta-AAD | ref | ICDM'20 | MLP | Tabular | Reinforcement learning | √ |
DPLAN | ref | KDD'21 | MLP | Tabular | Reinforcement learning | × |
GraphUCB | ref | WSDM'19 | - | Graph | Reinforcement learning | √ |
Inexact Supervision | ||||||
MIL | ref | CVPR'18 | MLP | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | √ |
TCN-IBL | ref | ICIP'19 | CNN | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | × |
AR-Net | ref | ICME'20 | MLP | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | √ |
RTFM | ref | ICCV'21 | CNN+Attention | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | √ |
Motion-Aware | ref | BMVC'19 | AE+Attention | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | × |
CRF-Attention | ref | ICCV'21 | TRN+Attention | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | × |
MPRF | ref | IJCAI'21 | MLP+Attention | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | × |
MCR | ref | ICME'22 | MLP+Attention | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | × |
XEL | ref | SPL'21 | MLP | Video | Cross-epoch Learning | √ |
MIST | ref | CVPR'21 | MLP+Attention | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | √ |
MSLNet | ref | AAAI'22 | Transformer | Video | Multiple Instance Learning | √ |
SRF | ref | SPL'20 | MLP | Video | Self Reasoning | × |
WETAS | ref | ICCV'21 | MLP | Time-series/Video | Dynamic Time Warping | × |
Inexact AUC | ref | ML Journal'20 | AE | Tabular | AUC maximization | × |
Isudra | ref | TIST'21 | - | Time-series | Bayesian optimization | √ |
Inaccurate Supervision | ||||||
LAC | ref | CIKM'21 | MLP/GBDT | Tabular | Ensemble learning | × |
ADMoE | ref | AAAI'23 | Agnostic | Tabular | Ensemble learning | √ |
BGPAD | ref | ICNP'21 | LSTM+Attention | Time series | Denoising network | √ |
SemiADC | ref | IS Journal'21 | GAN | Graph | Denoising network | × |
TSN | ref | CVPR'19 | GCN | Video | GCN | √ |
2.Categorization of WSAD algorithms
2.1 AD with Incomplete Supervision
Anomaly Feature Representation Learning
📄Learning outlier ensembles:The best of both worlds–supervised and unsupervised\ -
📄Xgbod: improving supervised outlier detection with unsupervised representation learning
👉Code Link -
📄Deep semi-supervised anomaly detection
👉Code Link -
📄Esad: End-to-end deep semi-supervised anomaly detection -
📄Learning representations of ultrahigh-dimensional data for random distance-based outlier detection -
📄Learning discriminative features for semi-supervised anomaly detection -
📄Anomaly detection by leveraging incomplete anomalous knowledge with anomaly-aware bidirectional gans
👉Code Link -
📄Dual-mgan: An efficient approach for semi-supervised outlier detection with few identified anomalies
👉Code Link
Anomaly Score Learning
Graph Learning
📄Snare: a link analytic system for graph labeling and risk detection -
📄Guilt by association: large scale malware detection by mining file-relation graphs -
📄A semi-supervised graph attentive network for financial fraud detection -
📄Semi-supervised anomaly detection on attributed graphs -
📄Few-shot network anomaly detection via cross-network meta-learning
👉Code Link -
📄Semi-supervised anomaly detection in dynamic communication networks -
📄Toward supervised anomaly detection -
📄Incorporating expert feedback into active anomaly discover
👉Code Link -
📄Interactive anomaly detection on attributed networks
👉Code Link
Active learning and reinforcement learning
📄Meta-aad: Active anomaly detection with deep reinforcement learning
👉Code Link -
📄Toward deep supervised anomaly detection: Reinforcement learning from partially labeled anomaly data -
📄A semi-supervised vae based active anomaly detection framework in multivariate time series for online systems
2.2 AD with Inexact Supervision
📄Real-world anomaly detection in surveillance videos
👉Code Link -
📄Weakly supervised video anomaly detection via center-guided discriminative learning
👉Code Link -
📄Temporal convolutional network with complementary inner bag loss for weakly supervised anomaly detection -
📄Weakly-supervised video anomaly detection with robust temporal feature magnitude learning
👉Code Link -
📄Motion-aware feature for improved video anomaly detection -
📄Dance with self-attention: A new look of conditional random fields on anomaly detection in videos -
📄Weakly-supervised spatio-temporal anomaly detection in surveillance video -
📄Multi-scale continuity-aware refinement network for weakly supervised video anomaly detection -
📄Cross-epoch learning for weakly supervised anomaly detection in surveillance videos
👉Code Link -
📄MIST: Multiple instance self-training framework for video anomaly detection
👉Code Link -
📄Self-training multi-sequence learning with transformer for weakly supervised video anomaly detection
👉Code Link
- Non MIL-based
- Evaluating and Selecting Unsupervised methods
2.3 AD with Inaccurate Supervision
Ensemble Learning
Denosing Network
Graph Learning
One can easily reproduce the experimental results in our paper by running the python file in the experiments folder.
Method | $\gamma_{l}=1$% | $\gamma_{l}=5$% | $\gamma_{l}=25$% | $\gamma_{l}=50$% |
AUC-ROC | ||||
XGBOD | 80.03 | 86.68 | 93.20 | 95.28 |
DeepSAD | 75.25 | 81.74 | 89.64 | 92.72 |
REPEN | 77.20 | 82.23 | 86.26 | 87.45 |
DevNet | 79.05 | 85.94 | 89.76 | 90.97 |
PReNet | 79.04 | 85.66 | 89.88 | 91.11 |
FEAWAD | 73.93 | 82.44 | 89.20 | 91.55 |
AUC-PR | ||||
XGBOD | 46.23 | 61.58 | 75.89 | 80.57 |
DeepSAD | 38.06 | 49.65 | 67.04 | 74.47 |
REPEN | 46.57 | 56.38 | 63.39 | 65.73 |
DevNet | 53.61 | 64.01 | 69.52 | 71.13 |
PReNet | 54.52 | 64.19 | 70.46 | 71.62 |
FEAWAD | 51.19 | 62.30 | 69.65 | 72.34 |