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Support multiple address and port bindings

Open hirikarate opened this issue 6 years ago • 14 comments

In my Docker Swarm, I have several services, each serves different API endpoints. Eg:

  • auth.example.com
  • registry.example.com
  • admin.example.com

And of course each has some replicas to be load-balanced by Gobetween.

Currently, according to the limited examples on official documentation, I can only:

  • bind to only one address
  • filter with only one label and only one private port.
bind = "auth.example.com"
protocol = "tcp"
<something else>

    kind = "docker"
    docker_endpoint = "http://localhost:2375"  # Docker / Swarm API    
    docker_container_label = "api=true"  # only one label supported
    docker_container_private_port = 80   # only one port supported

My question is: How can I bind Gobetween to multiple addresses? With each address, how can I filter with multiple labels and ports?

Thank you!

hirikarate avatar Sep 28 '17 10:09 hirikarate

Hi @hirikarate,

Since gobetween is L4, to make it work with different "virtual" domains (that is information available in L7, actually) you can either:

Option (1) Create separate [server] section per your domain, if you have network interfaces (ip address) per each of them (3 in total for your case):

bind = "<auth_ip_address>:80"
protocol = "tcp"

    kind = "docker"
    docker_endpoint = "http://localhost:2375"   
    docker_container_label = "service=auth"   
    docker_container_private_port = 80

bind = "<registry_ip_address>:80"
protocol = "tcp"

    kind = "docker"
    docker_endpoint = "http://localhost:2375"   
    docker_container_label = "service=registry"   
    docker_container_private_port = 80

bind = "<admin_ip_address>:80"
protocol = "tcp"

    kind = "docker"
    docker_endpoint = "http://localhost:2375"   
    docker_container_label = "service=admin"   
    docker_container_private_port = 80

And run your containers with appropriate label "service=..." to differentiate them. $ docker run --label service=admin myadminimage myprogram $ docker run --label service=registry myregistryimage myprogram $ docker run --label service=auth myauthimage myprogram

Option (2) Use SNI to balance based on provided domain name, if your backends use TLS/HTTPS. You need only 1 network interface / ip address in this case:

bind = ""
protocol = "tcp"

 read_timeout = "2s"
 hostname_matching_strategy = "exact" 
 unexpected_hostname_strategy = "reject" 

    kind = "docker"
    docker_endpoint = "http://localhost:2375"   
    docker_container_private_port = 443

And use "sni" label to specify container domain name while running it, for example: $ docker run --label sni=admin.example.com myadminimage myprogram $ docker run --label sni=registry.example.com myregistryimage myprogram $ docker run --label sni=auth.example.com myauthimage myprogram

Let us know if you'll have any success with your configuration. Thanks!

yyyar avatar Sep 28 '17 14:09 yyyar

This is my gobetween.toml (detail below) and the service keeps yelling: "(server.handle): No matching sni found, rejecting due to 'reject' unexpected hostname strategy"

  • The upstream service is Portainer (a Golang webapp) with port mapping as 9000:9000 and label "sni=example.com" (label attached to container, not to the service itself). It is already accessible via "http://example.com:9000"
  • I tried with both self-signed certificates "example.com" and "*.example.com".
  • Not accessible via "https://example.com" although the firewall is allowing ports 9000, 80 and 443.
  • I deploy "gobetween" as a Docker Swarm service, the "service create" command must include -v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock for the discovery to work, http://localhost:2375 just doesn't work for me. (Took me some time to figure it out. I recommend adding this to documentation)
bind = ""
protocol = "tls" 
balance = "leastconn"
  cert_path = "/run/secrets/ssl_cert"
  key_path = "/run/secrets/ssl_key"
  min_version = "tls1"
  max_version = "tls1.2"
  ciphers = []
  prefer_server_ciphers = false
  session_tickets = true 

  read_timeout = "2s"
  hostname_matching_strategy = "exact" 
  unexpected_hostname_strategy = "reject"

  kind = "docker"
  docker_endpoint = "unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
  docker_container_private_port = 9000

  fails = 1        
  passes = 1
  interval = "2s"    
  timeout = "1s"        
  kind = "ping"

For ease of reproduction, this is my docker-compose.yml

version: '3.2'

    external: true

    external: true

    external: true
    external: true

    image: "portainer/portainer"
    command: -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock
      - 9000:9000
      - gennet
      - "sni=example.com"
      - type: bind
        source: //var/run/docker.sock
        target: /var/run/docker.sock

    image: "yyyar/gobetween"
      - gennet
      - 80:80
      - 443:443
      - ssl_cert
      - ssl_key
      - type: bind
        source: //var/run/docker.sock
        target: /var/run/docker.sock
      - type: volume
        source: gobetween-vol
        target: /etc/gobetween/conf

This is file deploy.sh:

docker network create -d overlay gennet;
docker volume create --name=gobetween-vol;
docker secret create ssl_cert /path/to/ssl/server.crt
docker secret create ssl_key /path/to/ssl/server.key
cp ./gobetween.toml /var/lib/docker/volumes/gobetween-vol/_data
docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml "stackname"
sleep 3
echo "Services created successfully."
docker service ls
  • How to deploy:

    • Make sure 3 files gobetween.toml, docker-compose.yml and deploy.sh are in same location.
    • Make sure to change label sni=example.com (in docker-compose.yml) and /path/to/ssl/ (in deploy.sh).
    • Make sure Docker Swarm is initialized (docker swarm init --advertise-addr <IP_ADDRESS>)
    • Exec sudo bash ./deploy.sh (you may want to sudo chmod +x ./deploy.sh)
  • Testing: If you can access Portainer via "http://example.com:9000" (don't forget firewall port) or "http://<IP_ADDRESS>:9000" then you are good.

  • Target: How to make it accessible via "https://example.com"?

  • Some helpful commands:

    • View gobetween log: docker service logs stackname_gobetween
    • Edit gobetween conf: sudo vi /var/lib/docker/volumes/gobetween-vol/_data/gobetween.toml
    • Restart gobetween service: docker service scale stackname_gobetween=0 then docker service scale stackname_gobetween=0
  • Clean up:

    • Removes all services docker service rm $(docker service ls -q)
    • Removes all containers docker container rm $(docker container ls -q)
    • Remove volume docker volume rm gobetween-vol
    • Remove network docker network rm gennet

Please give your thoughts. Thank you!

hirikarate avatar Oct 01 '17 04:10 hirikarate

@hirikarate Thanks for the details. Seems everything should work good. It may take a while for us to setup everything you listed to reproduce locally (I just tried the same thing just without swarm and was unable to reproduce) , but I think It may allow us to debug faster if you could provide also the following info:

  • Output of your $ docker ps --format "{{.ID}} {{.Ports}} {{.Labels}}" or inspect on any of yours Portainer containers to ensure they have sni label.

  • Please enable REST API in your gobetween configuration, and provide output of GET http://HOST:8888/servers/example/stats endpoint (you'll probably need to expose gobetween REST API 8888 by default port in your container). It will show if gobetween correctly discovered your containers and got correct sni label value.

Thank you!

yyyar avatar Oct 01 '17 09:10 yyyar

  • Result of docker ps --format...., the last 2 lines are assigned labels.

    406f23b44c20 9000/tcp
  • Result of REST API docker exec 3da curl http://localhost:8888/servers/example/stats (call from inside the running container):

      % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                     Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
    100   594  100   594    0     0    594      0  0:00:01 --:--:--  0:00:01  580k
        "active_connections": 0,
        "rx_total": 0,
        "tx_total": 0,
        "rx_second": 0,
        "tx_second": 0,
        "backends": [
                "host": "",
                "port": "0",
                "priority": 1,
                "weight": 1,
                "sni": "firstidea.vn",
                "stats": {
                    "live": false,
                    "total_connections": 0,
                    "active_connections": 0,
                    "refused_connections": 0,
                    "rx": 0,
                    "tx": 0,
                    "rx_second": 0,
                    "tx_second": 0
  • Result of calling curl http://localhost:8888/servers/example/stats (from outside container through published port): Hangs forever

hirikarate avatar Oct 02 '17 04:10 hirikarate

Yes 406f23b44c20 9000/tcp docker swarm mode do not propogate it`s ip via api because in swarm mode network works this way : https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/ingress/#configure-an-external-load-balancer

but this is not so flexible. probably it needs to dive into swarm mode api to find out better way

nickdoikov avatar Oct 03 '17 18:10 nickdoikov

OK, never mind it. Maybe what I want to achieve is not what Gobetween is designed for, as you said Gobetween works on L4.

I come up with this design, in which everything are containers/services in a Docker Swarm Mode. An Nginx container stands upfront to accept public requests and redirect them to the loadbalancer of each internal containers.

As how Docker Swarm Mode works, each service has many replica containers, and current Docker version (17.09.0-ce) has only one loadbalancing strategy (roundrobin). This is why in the first place I came for Gobetween.

Each actor in below diagram is Docker container, this diagram doesn't care about physical host machines as it is Docker Swarm manager's job.

                             |       | - Domain-name-based routing
                             | NGINX | - Reversed proxy
                             |       | - SSL termination
                |                               | 
            +—————+                          +—————+
(Gobetween  |     |                          |     | (Gobetween
 container  | G.A | +——————————————————————+ | G.B |  container
 for svc A) |     |                          |     |  for svc B)
            +—————+                          +—————+
               | (Loadbalancing)                | (Loadbalancing)
       +———————————————+                +———————————————+
       |               |                |               |
 +———————————+   +———————————+    +———————————+   +———————————+
 |   SVC A   |   |   SVC A   |    |   SVC B   |   |   SVC B   | 
 |           |   |           |    |           |   |           |
 | REPLICA 1 |   | REPLICA 2 |    | REPLICA 1 |   | REPLICA 2 | 
 |           |   |           |    |           |   |           | 
 +———————————+   +———————————+    +———————————+   +———————————+

Thank you for your support sofar.

hirikarate avatar Oct 04 '17 02:10 hirikarate

@hirikarate I'm not very familiar with Docker Swarm, but looking at your above diagram, it looks very similar to what I came up with here: https://github.com/yyyar/gobetween/issues/77.

My idea was that instead of your nginx load balancer, gobetween would be used. gobetween would then communicate with the other "downstream" gobetween services. The upstream gobetween service would be automatically configured by querying the downstream gobetween services via API.

The upstream gobetween service requires no knowledge of the discovery plugin used in the downstream gobetween servers. So your G.A. and G.B. would be configured to query via docker/docker swarm and the upstream would query via the gobetween API.

If this sounds like what you're wanting to achieve, I have a proof-of-concept here: https://github.com/yyyar/gobetween/pull/95. I used LXD for my proof of concept, but any current discovery plugin should work with this.

jtopjian avatar Oct 04 '17 02:10 jtopjian

@jtopjian In fact I copied your diagram to save some key strokes 😄

My problem is , as I stated at the beginning of this topic, Gobetween is not domain-name-aware, so I cannot redirect requests to related internal micro services. Eg:

  • Requests to "auth.example.com" should be loadbalanced among replicas of SVC A.
  • Requests to "admin.example.com" should be loadbalanced among replicas of SVC B.

I still don't get how your 2 upstream Gobetween instances can handle this situation without a L7 reversed proxy server (eg. Nginx), which is quite common in reality. Except when each of your upstream instance occupies a domain-name, but in that case they are not in active/passive keepalived pattern anymore.

At the top, gobetween runs on two separate hosts in an active/passive keepalived configuration.

hirikarate avatar Oct 04 '17 03:10 hirikarate

Hi, are the services connecting to your original proposed endpoint TLS based? The reason I ask is, if they are TLS based, then Gobetween can be used to "route" requests based on on TCP+SNI. I use a similar setup to route entries based on TCP+SNI. I don't use Docker Swarm, I use Nomad+Consul

ref: https://github.com/yyyar/gobetween/issues/53 ref: https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2508915/24521698/b6890080-15aa-11e7-9b50-bbd48102cad6.png

Also, in general, the idea is to bind to least number of ports possible (for security reasons) (different from the inhouse/onpremise thinking where the infrastructure is behind a firewall already)

HTH, Shantanu

shantanugadgil avatar Oct 04 '17 03:10 shantanugadgil


My propblem is , as I stated at the beginning of this topic, Gobetween is not domain-name-aware, so I cannot redirect requests to related internal micro services. Eg:

ahh - my mistake. I'll admit I've only been scanning this topic. It was your diagram that caught my eye :)

That's a completely understandable requirement. As @shantanugadgil mentioned, TCP+SNI might be a solution, but also understandable if that won't work, either.

jtopjian avatar Oct 04 '17 04:10 jtopjian

Unfortunately, Docker Swarm is in our system design's requirement, and gobetween is just a dropped-in helper. I think I should accept the fact that I need L7 reversed proxy in front of Gobetween instances.

Anyway thank all of you for your support.

hirikarate avatar Oct 04 '17 08:10 hirikarate

After some time of experimentation I can confirm Swarm Mode does not play nice with gobetween - that's why your setup does not work (you have 0 and "" in port/host in your discovered backend).

Currently gobetween get ports mapping from container api / metadata. It works with plain Docker and plain old Docker Swarm (Docker Swarm standalone: https://github.com/docker/swarm). but not with new Swarm Mode. In Swarm Mode port mappings are stored inside "service" entity, so it's not compatible with current "docker" discovery.

We need to do some extra work to add Docker Swarm Mode discovery functionality to gobetween, either as separate type of discovery (say kind="docker-swarmmode"), or add add more parameters to current 'docker' discovery.

So I think TCP+SNI+Docker discovery would work for you when we'll add swarm mode support.

It seems like a separate feature/issue we need to create to discuss further.

yyyar avatar Oct 07 '17 12:10 yyyar

One remark, just discovered it may work right if you create your service with the following publish parameter: "--publish mode=host,target=80". We just need to try it and verify. More info: https://docs.docker.com/engine/swarm/services/#publish-a-services-ports-directly-on-the-swarm-node @nickdoikov

yyyar avatar Oct 07 '17 13:10 yyyar

@hirikarate could you please try configure your portainer service setup with publishing service ports "directly on swarm mode" as described here - "--publish mode=host,target=80", instead of publishing using a swarm routing mesh (by default)? In case it's still actual for you :-)

I just tried it with docker swarm mode and it works fine. We still need to figure out how make it work with swam routing mesh, there is separate issue for that - #111

yyyar avatar Oct 08 '17 13:10 yyyar