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How can I use --watch with this setup?

Open erik-viking opened this issue 6 years ago • 11 comments

I'm trying to use "watch": "vue-cli-service build --no-clean --watch", in my package.json and it seems to somewhat work, but it rebuilds everytime I refresh my application.

erik-viking avatar Oct 12 '18 16:10 erik-viking

That is what serve is for, take a look: 🙂

scherii avatar Oct 15 '18 22:10 scherii

But using serve will try to startup a new server, I want to use the existing server that's already loaded through laravel. Using --watch I found it was looking at ALL files in the root folder, not just files under frontend/, which is why it kept rebuilding whenever it saw a change under other folders.

erik-viking avatar Oct 16 '18 01:10 erik-viking

I'm also having issues with using serve because it's not building any files under the public/ folder. Our setup is a little different as we don't have a index.html under src/public and rely on the resources/main.blade.php to be the landing point of the application. Would appreciate any help you can provide!

erik-viking avatar Oct 17 '18 13:10 erik-viking

@erik-viking Can you share a repository link? If you're relying on Laravel Mix and its watch feature you should keep the /package.json and /webpack.mix.js in your project root.

serve will run your Vue application in its own dev server without exposing files to /public. You can use the build script if you want your frontend to be compiled.

emanuelmutschlechner avatar Oct 23 '18 15:10 emanuelmutschlechner

@erik-viking Thanks for this. It works for me, not experiencing the rebuild on refresh. HMR isn't working however. Did you get it to work for you?

If it hasn't already, maybe "watch" should be added to package.json that ships with vue-cli-3

kharysharpe avatar Oct 23 '18 18:10 kharysharpe

@kharysharpe HMR won't work when build --watch is used. Source

emanuelmutschlechner avatar Oct 23 '18 18:10 emanuelmutschlechner

@emanuelmutschlechner Thanks, but it seems like it is trying to do something, *.hot.json files being generated on changes, as if it is meant to work.

kharysharpe avatar Oct 23 '18 23:10 kharysharpe

Right, my package.json has "watch": "vue-cli-service build --no-clean --watch", which watches files, but seems to watch files that change outside of the frontend/ folder.

The "R" in HMR would not work, I think you have to use a custom implementation of livereload or browsersync in order for that to work properly. Right now I just have to manualy refresh the page after the files are updated in the public/ folder.

Also, for more insight, here's what my vue.config.js file looks like:

const path = require('path');
const resolve = dir => path.join(__dirname, `src/${dir}`);

module.exports = {
    baseUrl: '/',
    outputDir: '../public/',
    // Fixing CircleCi Bug related to thread-loader
    parallel: !process.env.CIRCLECI,
    css: {
        sourceMap: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
    configureWebpack: config => {
        // To enable sourceMaps in VSCode debugger
        config.devtool = 'source-map';
        config.watchOptions = {
            aggregateTimeout: 500,
            ignored: /node_modules|public|laradock|storage|\.git/,
    chainWebpack: config => {
        // setup alias resolution for require() paths
            // .set('@', path.join(__dirname, 'resources/src'))
            .set('api', resolve('api'))
            .set('components', resolve('components'))
            .set('images', resolve('assets/images'))
            .set('languages', resolve('languages'))
            .set('lodash', 'lodash-es')
            .set('objects', path.join(__dirname, '../shared/json'))
                path.join(__dirname, 'node_modules/persona-ui/src/components')
            .set('plugins', resolve('plugins'))
            .set('router', resolve('router'))
            .set('store', resolve('store'))
            .set('utils', resolve('utils'))
            .set('views', resolve('views'));

        // delete HTML related webpack plugins
        // this is needed so it doesn't try to do anything
        // with the files inside public/ folder

        config.plugin('copy').use('copy-webpack-plugin', [
                    from: '../.env',
                    to: __dirname,
                    toType: 'dir',

        // This will remove auto-generated files that were previously built
            .use('clean-webpack-plugin', [
                { root: path.join(__dirname, '../public') },


            .tap(args => {
                // disable injection of base64 images (???)
                args.limit = -1;

                return args;

erik-viking avatar Oct 25 '18 12:10 erik-viking

Did you ever get this resolved? I have a very similar need with a php backend.

dogbot avatar Dec 27 '18 18:12 dogbot

No, I'm pretty sure you need to setup some sort of custom browserSync or liveReload functionality in order to get that to work.

erik-viking avatar Dec 28 '18 19:12 erik-viking

I, too, have a project I would like to use Laravel to serve up the blade file as the entry point for the app (as opposed to vue-cli's node server) and have HMR work as well. I tried following #11, but it doesn't seem to be a straightforward solution. Has anyone been able to get this sort of setup running? Or do I need to ditch vue-cli entirely and run laravel-mix instead?

AustinW avatar Jun 24 '19 23:06 AustinW