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AppRun is a JavaScript library for developing high-performance and reliable web applications using the elm inspired architecture, events and components.

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AppRun is a JavaScript library for building reliable, high-performance web applications using the Elm-inspired architecture, events, and components.

All the Ways to Make a Web Component - May 2021 Update compares the coding style, bundle size, and performance of 55 different ways to make a Web Component. It put AppRun on the top 1/3 of the list of bundle size and performance.

AppRun Benefits

  • Write less code
  • No proprietary syntax to learn
  • Compiler/transpiler is optional
  • State management and routing included
  • Run side-by-side with jQuery, chartjs, D3, lit-html ...

AppRun is distributed on npm.

npm install apprun

You can also load AppRun directly from the CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Or, you can create an AppRun app by using the npm init apprun-app command.

npm init apprun-app [my-app]

Architecture Concept

  • AppRun architecure has state, view, and update.
  • AppRun is event-driven.
  • AppRun apps can be global or Component based.

You can get started with AppRun Docs and the AppRun Playground.

AppRun Book from Apress

Order from Amazon

AppRun Dev Tools

To use the AppRun dev-tools, include the dev-tools script.

<script src=""></script>

See the annoucement: AppRun Dev Tools

AppRun Dev Tools connects to the Redux DevTools Extension. To use the dev-tools, install the Redux DevTools Extension. You can monitor the events and states.



You can launch the webpack dev-server and the demo app from the demo folder with the following npm commands:

npm install
npm start

You can run the unit tests from the tests folder.

npm test

Unit tests can serve as functional specifications.

Finally, to build optimized js files to the dist folder, just run:

npm run build

Have fun and send pull requests.



AppRun is an MIT-licensed open source project. Please consider supporting the project on Patreon. 👍❤️🙏

Thank you for your support

  • Athkahden Asura
  • Alfred Nerstu
  • Gyuri Lajos
  • Lorenz Glißmann
  • Kevin Shi
  • Chancy Kennedy



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