Tensorflow-implementation-of-LCNN copied to clipboard
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is there any code to try the implementation to verify either it's an image or not? your help is really appreciated
Hi, I assume that you have several different format files, e.g jpg, png, txt, doc, there may be two possible ways to verify the file is a image format or not. Solution 1:
from os import listdir
import os
img_format = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png', '.tif']
list_img = listdir(path_img_folder)
for img_name in list_img:
extension = os.path.splitext(img_name)[1]
if extension in img_format:
print("It's image")
print("It's not image")
Solution 2: You can probably use opencv function. e.g. cv2.imread(img_path), if the output returns NULL, it means your input file is not basically image format
Sorry I meant a code to verify if this is the person or not to verify the face not to recognize ,any tips ? thank you so much
@AdhamGouda the input_size of model is 1281283,but why you need to resize to 144144?
@tensorflowt It's because we did randomly cropping from 144x144 to 128x128
what half means in the function MFMfc?
def MFMfc(x,half,name): with tf.variable_scope(name): shape = x.get_shape().as_list() res = tf.reduce_max(tf.reshape(x,[-1,2,shape[-1]//2]),reduction_indices=[1]) return res
MFMfc is represented as an active function( similar to maxout), meanwhile, it also can perform feature dimension reduction. See the explanation from paper[1]:
[1] Wu, Xiang, et al. "A light CNN for deep face representation with noisy labels." arXiv preprint arXiv:1511.02683 (2015).
@yxu0611 How is image pre-processing performed? The paper states that images are transformed to greyscale and rotated based upon facial features; there doesn't seem to be any function in the code to perform this.
@fraserprice These pre-processing codes can be found as below. We did the rotation and transformation based on 3 facial points (left eye, right eye, and mouth)
# get grey scale image
img = cv2.imread(img_path, 0)
# get the left/right center eye position
leye = np.float32([points[0], points[1]])
reye = np.float32([points[2], points[3]])
# get the center mouth position
lmouth = np.float32([points[6], points[7]])
rmouth = np.float32([points[8], points[9]])
mouth = [(lmouth[0]+rmouth[0])/2., (lmouth[1]+rmouth[1])/2.]
# set eye to eye pixel distance 90, eye to mouth pixel distance 87 (template image size: 256x300)
src = np.float32([leye, reye, mouth])
dst = np.float32([[88, 125], [178, 125], [133, 212]])
M = cv2.getAffineTransform(src, dst)
crop_image = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (256, 300))
# resize cropped image from 256x300 to 122x144
crop_image2 = cv2.resize(crop_image , (122, 144))
Don't understand sum function in you code,could you please explain it ,thx
def sum(self, layerin):
layer1_size = self.res_size
layer2_size = layerin[1]
print (layer1_size[2], layer1_size[3])
print (layer2_size[2], layer2_size[3])
assert layer1_size[1] == layer2_size[1]
assert layer1_size[2] == layer2_size[2] and layer1_size[3] == layer2_size[3]
inp_size = self.res_size
with tf.name_scope('sum_' + str(self.layer_num)):
self.res = self.res + layerin[0]
self.res_size = self.res.get_shape()
print ('sum_'+str(self.layer_num), inp_size, self.res_size)
return [self.res, self.res_size]
mod = M.Model(img_holder, [None, 128, 128, 3])
mod.conv_layer(5, 96, activation=1)
mod.maxpooling_layer(2, 2) #pool1
a = mod.get_current_layer()
mod.conv_layer(3, 96, activation=1)
mod.conv_layer(3, 96, activation=1)
# print (mod.get_shape())
@ehion It seems to be the residual shortcuts, see
hello,I am sorry to disturb you,but I encountered such a problem during training. Limited by my graphics card memory, I changed BAZIE to 200. there were an error on the 1803th iteration of epoch1: indexerror:too many indices for arry When I modified the batchsize to 240, I got another error: index 80 is out of the bounds for axis 0 with size 80. Both error locations are near line 126 of lcnn29.py. I have no idea. Hope to get help. thanks a lot