
Results 114 comments of yxliang

Under such case, I think it makes sense to throw an error since the merged contract shouldn't be successfully compiled by design.

@icy Yes. Your understand is correct. And the most common use case of it, I believe, is `ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive`. While many people setting `DEBIAN_FRONTEND` using `ENV`, this is not 100%...

I see. I didn't know what I can just `echo` out raw Dockerfile command. However, I didn't see how your example relate to the case here though. @icy

Haha. Actually, I'm not using `bocker` yet but planned to for modularizing my big `Dockerfile`s. I see the capability of being able to reuse parts of `Dockerfile` as the bigger...

@huangyz0918 你的内容和标题不符诶 (从左到右 -> 从右到左)?

Sorry... No at the moment. Haven't arranged time for this yet.

So far I can see `dillinger/public/js/factorys/sheet.factory.js` is the key file for this. To implement this, need to add an option in `views/dropdowns/settings.ejs`, one new view in `dillinger/views/`, add default template...

@stroncium The library you mentioned sounds promising if it works well at the end :) (It's really complicated while have to make sure the overhead is very low, or it...

@stroncium Right. Unfortunately, I'm not aware of such libraries at all. But, I have experience dealing with this kind of "dynamic schedulers" which are claimed to be making computers faster...

@coreyfarrell Making p-map scheduler would be one step forward than where our discussion was on. IIRC (it has been 3 months now), the problem is that we aren't aware of...