typeflow-editor icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
typeflow-editor copied to clipboard

vue + mxGraph to build the draw tool for Typeflow


build with the vue and mxGraph

backend resource: https://github.com/yvettemuki/editor-service



Core appearance

Left side is the element bar including different types of draggable resources, and also including the graph page setting bar of its size

To add custom element, click the "+" icon in specific element bar and input the new type name to create new one

To set the specific element type group, click the "gear" icon to open the element type setting panel

After drag one of the elements in three types of Definition(PureFunction/InputEndpoint/OutputEndpoint), the form will display to fill

You should select the variable type in the type selector and input the variable value
If you create the Array type, you need to choose the Array type in second type selector
If you create Object type, you need to click "Object" option and you will get into the create panel
note: all the array type and object type you create will be saved in default (Type Setting function will soon be available)

After fill some Definition creating forms, you can connect them in the rule:

only the same name output of one Definition instance can connect to another Definition instance's input with the same name

After finish dragging elements, filling their forms and connecting them, you will get the typeflow model

To check or update the created elements you can double click the Definition vertex (InputEndpoint, OutputEndpoint, PureFunction)

To undo, redo, delete, zoom(in/out), you can click the right-side float toolbar

To import model, export model, generate code and save model, you can click the buttons on the top side

export can choose 3 types: png, svg and xml

When import, you can choose import from local or from database

When from database, and you can delete model when click the "delete" button on the right top side of each item

To check some model information

When you click the "?" icon, you can get the guidance about how to use typeflow editor

About vue-cli installation

This project use vue-cli3, please make sure you have installed vue-cli3 and update node version to at least 8.9
More details about installation, go to https://cli.vuejs.org/zh/guide/installation.html

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve


Default port is 8080, if you need see vue-cli3 document to change the default port

When you change the backend server address(port), you need to change the proxy in vue.config.js file