emacs-slack copied to clipboard
Unknown Error: 401, MSG: invalid_auth On open Socket request
So it started to be few days ago after the system update.
Emacs Version is 28.2 i'm using guix gnu/linux.
So the slack-start is working ok, but then when it do attempt to sync data tthe following error is appearing:
[2023-09-20 11:53:25] [warn] Reconnecting... [1/360] - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:25] [debug] Authorization Finished - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:25] [debug] Opening websocket connection. NOWAIT: nil, URL: wss://wss-primary.slack.com/websocket/LEGACY_BOT:91eb05033d26eac6d622d5acf9346a92 - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:25] [debug] Called `websocket-open' URL: wss://wss-primary.slack.com/websocket/LEGACY_BOT:91eb05033d26eac6d622d5acf9346a92 - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:25] [trace] REQUEST FINISHED. URL: "https://slack.com/api/rtm.connect", PARAMS: (("mpim_aware" . "1") ("presence_sub" . "true")), DATA: (:ok t :url "wss://wss-primary.slack.com/websocket/LEGACY_BOT:91eb05033d26eac6d622d5acf9346a92" :team (:id "T036RJZEB" :name "name" :domain "domain") :self (:id "XXXXXXX" :name "name")) - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:26] [debug] WebSocket on-open - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:26] [debug] Unknown Error: 401, MSG: invalid_auth - workspace
[2023-09-20 11:53:26] [debug] Websocket on-close: STATE: closed - workspace
Which is "Unknown Error: 401, MSG: invalid_auth - workspace" 401 - Unathorized