onesend icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
onesend copied to clipboard

send files through onedrive


send your file through onedrive


  • Upload file without login, share anytime!
  • End-to-end encryption, security matters!
  • Onedrive storage, No traffic passthrough, free your server!
  • CLI command generation, easy for linux command-line download!


  • MUST hosted on https site
  • Cannot work in Firefox InPrivate window
  • Leaving downloading page will interrupt downloading



  1. download from release and unzip
  2. fill in config.toml
  3. fill your refresh token into token.txt (you can refer to Authorization)
  4. run program


ClientID: client id
ClientSecret: client secret
AccountArea: the area of your onedrive account, can be ("global" | "gov" | "de" | "cn")
Drive: the drive path to use. default: "/me/drive"
SavePath: where to save files in your onedrive
Listen: how the program bind address


  1. Open and then click New registration.
  2. Enter a name for your app, choose account type Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (e.g. Skype, Xbox), select Web in Redirect URI, then type http://localhost:53682/ and click Register. Copy and keep the Application (client) ID under the app name for later use.
  3. Under manage select Certificates & secrets, click New client secret. Copy and keep that secret value for later use (secret value, not secret ID).
  4. Under manage select API permissions, click Add a permission and select Microsoft Graph then select delegated permissions.
  5. Search and select the following permissions: Files.ReadWrite.All. Once selected click Add permissions at the bottom.
  6. Download this script on your Windows computer, click run in powershell in the right-click menu, enter your client id and client secret, and follow the instruction to get refresh_token. (if the script is forbidden, execute in powershell as administrator Start-Process -Wait -Verb RunAs powershell.exe -Args "-executionpolicy bypass -command Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force)
  7. When finished, token.txt is saved on your desktop.