Yurii Bidiuk
Yurii Bidiuk
@edgao for some reason stack trace wasn't logged inside AirbyteExceptionHandler. So I manually added a logging stack trace as part of message and now we can see the original connector...
@grishick I already tried this approach. I added these fields to `AirbyteLogMessageTemplate.json` and expected that new fields (`error.type, error.message, error.stack_trace`) will appear in the logs. ``` { "type": "LOG", "log":...
> > @yurii-bidiuk I would like to ask you to do the next check and post the results here: 1 create a connection using your updated version 2 run sync...
/test connector=connectors/source-oracle > :clock2: connectors/source-oracle https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2788416921 > :white_check_mark: connectors/source-oracle https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2788416921 No Python unittests run > ### Build Passed Test summary info: ``` All Passed ```
/test connector=connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt > :clock2: connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2788795113 > :x: connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2788795113 > :bug: https://gradle.com/s/wsdlh6pfytr7i > ### Build Failed Test summary info: ``` Could not find result summary ```
/test connector=connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt > :clock2: connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2789598372 > :white_check_mark: connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt https://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2789598372 No Python unittests run > ### Build Passed Test summary info: ``` All Passed ```
/publish connector=connectors/source-oracle > :clock2: Publishing the following connectors:connectors/source-oraclehttps://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2790204254 | Connector | Did it publish? | Were definitions generated? | | --- | --- | --- | | connectors/source-oracle | :white_check_mark:...
/publish connector=connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt > :clock2: Publishing the following connectors:connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypthttps://github.com/airbytehq/airbyte/actions/runs/2790205284 | Connector | Did it publish? | Were definitions generated? | | --- | --- | --- | | connectors/source-oracle-strict-encrypt | :white_check_mark:...
Hi @subodh1810 I made some research on the properties that you provided. A brief result for some of them: - [binary.handling.mode](https://debezium.io/documentation/reference/stable/connectors/postgresql.html#postgresql-property-binary-handling-mode) - This could be used instead of our implementation...