Yun Zheng Hu
Yun Zheng Hu
It looks it doesn't recognise it as a NetScaler device, can you try loading it with `target-shell` and then `ls`?: ```shell $ target-shell netscaler.vmx ... netscaler.vmx /> ls .nscli_history .snap...
@Michael-Hennemann @maxdevaine It looks like dissect doesn't recognise the partitions or disk, can you run `gpart show` on the NetScaler in question, and paste the output? Example: ```shell $ ssh...
Hi, we are investigating the issues but we are unable to reproduce with a clean NS13.0-91.13 build. Were these systems upgraded from an older version? and what were those versions?...
Yes, that's possible. Maybe it only keeps the last 4 kernels. But good to know it's been upgraded from a 12.1. We've been investigating a bit and think there may...
@Michael-Hennemann It should be fixed by above merged patch. Thank you providing the test data, it really helped with debugging this issue! You need to install the updated `dissect.volume` using:...
@Michael-Hennemann this looks a bit more difficult to troubleshoot using GitHub issues, let's discuss this further over email.
@SnaXen Strange, what command did you use to acquire the image? We recently made our instructions more concise in our README. Can you post the first few bytes of the...
@SnaXen Somehow your NetScaler outputted an error message to stdout before the command. Looking from the hexdump bytes I can also see the `Done\n` message before the image data, you...
Yes same fix, your `md0.img.fixed` looks correct now. Does the image give an error?
@SnaXen make sure to run it with both `md0.img.fixed` and `ad0.img.fixed` as they are different disks mounted on different paths. Run it with the `+` sign between the image files...