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QingCloud SDK for Python
===================== QingCloud Python SDK
This repository allows you to access QingCloud <https://www.qingcloud.com>
and control your resources from your applications.
This SDK is licensed under
Apache Licence, Version 2.0 <http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html>
.. note::
Requires Python 2.6 or higher, compatible with Python 3,
for more information please see
QingCloud SDK Documentation <https://docs.qingcloud.com/sdk/>
Install via pip <http://www.pip-installer.org>
_ ::
$ pip install qingcloud-sdk
Upgrade to the latest version ::
$ pip install --upgrade qingcloud-sdk
Install from source ::
git clone https://github.com/yunify/qingcloud-sdk-python.git
cd qingcloud-sdk-python
python setup.py install
Getting Started
In order to operate QingCloud IaaS or QingStor (QingCloud Object Storage),
you need apply access key on qingcloud console <https://console.qingcloud.com>
_ first.
QingCloud IaaS API '''''''''''''''''''
Pass access key id and secret key into method
to create connection ::import qingcloud.iaas conn = qingcloud.iaas.connect_to_zone( 'zone id', 'access key id', 'secret access key' )
Call API by using IAM role
If you would like to call our APIs without access key and secret key (bad things would happen if they were lost or leaked) or if you want a finer access control over your instances, there is a easy way to do it :P
Go to our IAM service, create an instance role and attach it to your instance.
Create connection without access key and secret key. ::
>>> import qingcloud.iaas >>> conn = qingcloud.iaas.connect_to_zone( 'zone id', None, None )
The variable conn
is the instance of qingcloud.iaas.connection.APIConnection
we can use it to call resource related methods. Example::
launch instances
ret = conn.run_instances( image_id='img-xxxxxxxx', cpu=1, memory=1024, vxnets=['vxnet-0'], login_mode='passwd', login_passwd='Passw0rd@()' )
stop instances
ret = conn.stop_instances( instances=['i-xxxxxxxx'], force=True )
describe instances
ret = conn.describe_instances( status=['running', 'stopped'] )
QingCloud QingStor API
Pass access key id and secret key into method connect
to create connection ::
import qingcloud.qingstor conn = qingcloud.qingstor.connect( 'pek3a.qingstor.com', 'access key id', 'secret access key' )
The variable conn
is the instance of qingcloud.qingstor.connection.QSConnection
we can use it to create Bucket which is used for generating Key and MultiPartUpload.
Create a bucket
bucket = conn.create_bucket('mybucket')
Create a key
key = bucket.new_key('myobject') with open('/tmp/myfile') as f: key.send_file(f)
Delete the key