Yuki Kimoto

Results 77 comments of Yuki Kimoto

> ms:EdgeOptions thank you!

Is Selenium::Client your new Selemium module? Will what problem of Selenium::Remote::Driver Selenium::Client fix?

Does Selenium::Client need a Jar file?

Can you tell me a little more about the difference between Selenium::Client and Selenium::Remote::Driver?

I write down what I understood. - Both use driver binary. - Selenium::Remote::Driver support SeleniumHQ jar version < 4.0 - Selenium::Client support SeleniumHQ jar version >= 4.0 - Selenium::Remote::Driver has...

I have some more questions. 1. Which one do you recommend driver binary or SeleniumHQ::Jar? 2. How dose Selemium::Client do the same as $driver->find_element(...)->click (Selemium::Remote::Driver)?

Thank you. 1. In my little test, the driver binary looks good. 2. I will dump catelog() data to understand WC3 selenium methods.

How about porting Giblog to Raku? Giblog is HTML builder to admin your web site by Git. This module is not big. You read it easy. and you can host...

use strict 'direct' use strict 'filehandles'; is natural for me rather than "no indirect" and no feature 'bareword::filehandles' because this is things related to syntax.

>the development will be halted. No, I continue to maintain GitPrep. Now many concentration to SPVM is needed. SPVM is very big project, and I want to release 1.0 in...