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Impossible to have in same /joint_states topic Wheels and P&Tilt !!
Hello, I encounter a problem with my kobuki robot (with pan and tilt head) The kobuki works perfectly !! Thanks for this perfect robot !! And the docking station !! https://plus.google.com/photos/photo/115946641037512570220/6532499646122540258?hl=fr LOL
But, when launching kobuki_node minimal.launch, and same time dynamixels.launch,
I receive this topic :
rostopic echo /joint_states
seq: 1207
secs: 1522001104
nsecs: 870637822
frame_id: ''
name: [wheel_left_joint, wheel_right_joint]
position: [0.0, 0.0]
velocity: [0.0, 0.0]
effort: [0.0, 0.0]
seq: 218
secs: 1522001104
nsecs: 878241062
frame_id: "base_link"
name: [head_pan_joint, head_tilt_joint]
position: [0.0, 0.0]
velocity: [0.0, 0.0]
effort: [0.0, 0.0]
I use kobuki stock apps, here is my dynamixel.launch :
<!-- Start the Dynamixel low-level driver manager with parameters -->
<node name="dynamixel_manager" pkg="dynamixel_controllers"
type="controller_manager.py" required="true" output="screen">
namespace: alfred_dynamixel_manager
port_name: /dev/ttyACM0
baud_rate: 1000000
min_motor_id: 1
max_motor_id: 4
update_rate: 20
<!-- Load the joint controller configuration from a YAML file -->
<rosparam file="$(find alfred_launcher)/config/dynamixel_params.yaml" command="load"/>
<!-- Start the head pan and tilt controllers -->
<node name="dynamixel_controller_spawner_ax12" pkg="dynamixel_controllers"
output="screen" />
<!-- Start the Dynamixel Joint States Publisher -->
<node name="dynamixel_joint_states_publisher" pkg="alfred_launcher" type="dynamixel_joint_state_publisher.py" output="screen" />
I think it's a small error anywhere, but can't find it. Please anyone, small help ?
Looks like the kobuki is forgetting to set it's frame_id
, but that's not your problem here. There shouldn't be a problem with /joint_states
aggregating feeds from different systems and parsing it for what you need. If you do want to split them, use the usual tricks - namespacing, remapping.
hello Stonier, I tried without success !!
I changed namespace in dynamixel.launch (see highter) namespace: kobuki
I don't see errors, but I can't see both kobuki and p&tilt motors in same /point_states publish.
I'd like to have this topic : rostopic echo /joint_states
name: [wheel_left_joint, wheel_right_joint, head_pan_joint, head_tilt_joint]
And, regarding upper config files, why I have frame_id: ''
I didn't touch any kobuki files !
Could anyone help me, please ? Thanks a lot. Vincent
Kobuki's wheels are missing the parent frame_id (bug). But there is no code down from it that uses it yet either so hasn't been a problem to date.
Namespacing - I mean namespacing your nodes so that your dynamixel joint_states appears on a namespaced topic. Use the ns
attribute in roslaunch (see the wiki).