
Results 156 comments of LoveSy

@stintel @attila-lendvai I think this is because tables of miniupnpd are removed. I have no idea why they got removed (at least I manually restart fw4 those tables are present),...

Oh, from what I know, Android 7 introduced FDE and at that time the original Xposed was still alive. So I think for modules at least support Android 7 they...

can u try calling this function by reflection immediately after hook?

Did you try what I said? Call this method by reflection and see if your hook is called.

Notice that only dex data is loaded. Modules' classes won't be loaded in Zygote.

We all love cli. However, designing a reasonable cli interface is not that easy. So we have to discuss the interface here before implementation. My thought is: 1. place the...

acutally, -i means if u provide an invalid app, cli will not throw error but silently ignore it.

its impossible. LSPosed needs to query all process names of an app. When uninstalled, LSPosed can no long query process names and will therefore remove it.