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[YSQL] Feature Support - CREATE STATISTICS statement

Open zjpedu opened this issue 3 years ago • 2 comments

Jira Link: DB-2418

Feature Request


In yugabyte,

yugabyte=# CREATE STATISTICS s1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM t1;
ERROR:  CREATE STATISTICS not supported yet
LINE 1: CREATE STATISTICS s1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM t1;
HINT:  Please report the issue on https://github.com/YugaByte/yugabyte-db/issues

In postgres,

postgres=# CREATE STATISTICS s1 (dependencies) ON a, b FROM t1;

zjpedu avatar Mar 24 '21 13:03 zjpedu

Has this issue been missed? @ddorian

ghost avatar Mar 30 '21 06:03 ghost

@EthanDBer tracking, thanks

ddorian avatar Apr 16 '21 14:04 ddorian

CREATE STATISTICS command works with the following commit --> https://github.com/yugabyte/yugabyte-db/commit/05b70ff2a29d01c3976b8507ecefa2de1d5afe9c

ramsrivatsa avatar Aug 15 '22 16:08 ramsrivatsa