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A Django reusable app for show and operate custom forms in admin.

Duck Admin

A Django reusable app for show and operate custom forms in admin.


The Django Admin is great! But it is highly depends on it's orm.

Data source not supported by Django's orm (e.g, redis, mongodb) can not show in Django's admin site.

This app help you make your data (in redis, mongodb, file...) show in Django's Admin site. Even you can operate with your data. (Add, Modify, Delete)


pip install duckadmin


  1. add 'duckadmin' in INSTALLED_APPS

  2. define your form. (you can place it in,, anywhere you like)

    Demonstration ( more details see example )

    from duckadmin import DuckForm
    # We define form (not model)
    class MyRedisForm(DuckForm):
        app_label = 'redisapp'              # your app name
        model_name = 'Person'               # link url 
        verbose_name = 'Person'             # name displayed in admin site
        pk_name = 'id'
        GENDER = (
            (1, 'male'),
            (2, 'female'),
        # fields defined below will show in admin site
        id = forms.IntegerField()
        name = forms.CharField(max_length=32)
        gender = forms.ChoiceField(choices=GENDER)
        age = forms.IntegerField()
        # you should implement the api below:
        # `request` is django request instance
        def get_count(cls, request):
            # get count of datasets
            # return integer
        def get_data(cls, request, start, stop):
            # get all data to display in change list page
            # return list of data.
            # data is dict format, key is fields defined above
        def get_data_by_pk(cls, request, pk):
            # change form view
        def create_data(cls, request, data):
            # create new data
        def update_data(cls, request, data):
            # update an exist data
  3. define admin. (in file

    from django.contrib import admin
    from duckadmin import DuckAdmin
    from redisapp.forms import MyRedisForm
    class MyRedisAdmin(DuckAdmin):
        duck_form = MyRedisForm

After this settings. you will see Person in admin site.


And the change list page


You can add, modify record
