vue-strap copied to clipboard
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contains' of null
When I update vue-strap 1.0.11 to 1.1.16,the console show "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'contains' of null".
I found it was wrong in datepicker
ready: function ready() { var _this = this; this._blur = function (e) { if (!_this.$el.contains( _this.close(); }; this.$dispatch('child-created', this); this.currDate = this.parse(this.value) || this.parse(new Date()); (0, _NodeList2.default)(window).on('click', this._blur); }
First try to update to the last version. If you still have the same problem, show me how you are using the datepicker.
Good look
I have this problem too when I use navbar,
in nav.vue
,the code is
<!-- <app></app> -->
<navbar placement="top" type="default">
<!-- Brand as slot -->
<a slot="brand" v-link="'/'" title="Home" class="navbar-brand">Vue.js</a>
<!-- You can use dropdown component -->
<dropdown text="Dropdown">
<li><a v-link="'/foo'">Foo</a></li>
<li><a v-link="'/bar'">Bar</a></li>
<li class="dropdown">
<a v-link="'/foo'">Foo</a>
<li class="dropdown">
<a v-link="'/bar'">Bar</a>
<!-- For right positioning use slot -->
<li slot="right">
<a v-link="{name: 'login'}">Login</a>
import { navbar } from 'vue-strap'
import { dropdown } from 'vue-strap'
export default {
components: {
navbar, dropdown
props: ['foo', 'bar']
and the error in console is
my vue-strap
version is 1.1.18
BTW,the error occured with vue-router when I changed view,file nav.vue
is a component in every page. Thanks
I have the same problem, when I load (f5) a page with a datepicker on it, no problems, but if I go (click on a menu item) to another page that also has a datepicker it will show the same error. It looks like the problem is related with vue-router and how page changes are handled.
ready () { this._blur = (e) => { if (!this.$el.contains( this.close() } this.$dispatch('child-created', this) this.currDate = this.parse(this.value) || this.parse(new Date()) $(window).on('click', this._blur) },
when go another page,this.$el will be clean. so it means null.contains(
any solutions? Problem still occurs in version 1.1.29
@lukpep yes, I have tested this new version.occurs the same.
beforeDestroy () { $(window).off('click', this._blur) } not remove the click event
I got this error too when I am using 'navbar'. And I found the following code:
ready () {
let $dropdown = $('.dropdown>[data-toggle="dropdown"]',this.$el).parent()
$dropdown.on('click', '.dropdown-toggle', (e) => {
$dropdown.each((content) => {
if (content.contains( content.classList.toggle('open')
}).on('click', '.dropdown-menu>li>a', (e) => {
$dropdown.each((content) => {
if (content.contains( content.classList.remove('open')
}).onBlur((e) => {
$dropdown.each((content) => {
if (!content.contains( content.classList.remove('open')
$(this.$el).on('click touchstart','li:not(.dropdown)>a', e => {
setTimeout(() => { this.collapsed = true }, 200)
}).onBlur(e => {
if (!this.$el.contains( { this.collapsed = true }
let height = this.$el.offsetHeight
if (this.placement === 'top') { = height + 'px'
if (this.placement === 'bottom') { = height + 'px'
if (this.slots.collapse) $('[data-toggle="collapse"]',this.$el).on('click', (e) => this.toggleCollapse(e))
and in
if (!this.$el.contains( { this.collapsed = true }
will be null when the router goes to a new view, and the error occurs.