code_generator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
code_generator copied to clipboard

Simple and straightforward code generator for creating program code. At the moment offers support for C++, Java and HTML5 for generating reports.

C++ Code Generator

Simple and straightforward code generator for creating C++ code. It also could be used for generating code in any programming language. Written in Python, works both with Python 2 and 3

Every C++ element could render its current state to a string that could be evaluated as a legal C++ construction. Some elements could be rendered to a pair of representations (C++ classes and functions declaration and implementation)

Special thanks

Thanks to Eric Reynolds, the idea of this project mainly based on his article published on

However, this solution has been both simplified and extended compared to the initial idea.

Usage examples

Generate C++ code from Python code

Creating variables

Python code
cpp = CodeFile('example.cpp')
cpp('int i = 0;')

x_variable = CppVariable(name='x', type='int const&', is_static=True, is_constexpr=True, initialization_value='42')

name_variable = CppVariable(name='name', type='char*', is_extern=True)
Generated C++ code
int i = 0;
static constexpr int const& x = 42;
extern char* name;

Creating functions

Python code
def handle_to_factorial(self, cpp):
    cpp('return n < 1 ? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));')

cpp = CodeFile('example.cpp')

factorial_function = CppFunction(name='factorial',
    documentation='/// Calculates and returns the factorial of \p n.')
factorial_function.add_argument('int n')
Generated C++ code
/// Calculates and returns the factorial of \p n.
constexpr int factorial(int n)
    return n <= 1 ? 1 : (n * factorial(n - 1));

Creating classes and structures

Python code
cpp = CppFile('example.cpp')
with cpp.block('class A', ';'):
    cpp('int m_classMember1;')
    cpp('double m_classMember2;')
Generated C++ code
class A
    int m_classMember1;
    double m_classMember2;

Rendering CppClass objects to C++ declaration and implementation

Python code
cpp_class = CppClass(name = 'MyClass', is_struct = True)
cpp_class.add_variable(CppVariable(name = "m_var",
    type = 'size_t',
    is_static = True,
    is_const = True,
    initialization_value = 255))
Generated C++ declaration
struct MyClass
    static const size_t m_var;

Generated C++ implementation

const size_t MyClass::m_var = 255;

Module highly depends on parent, as it uses code generating and formatting primitives implemented there.

The main object referenced from is CppFile, which is passed as a parameter to render_to_string(cpp) Python method

It could also be used for composing more complicated C++ code, that does not supported by cpp_generator

Class ANSICodeStyle is responsible for code formatting. Re-implement it if you wish to apply any other formatting style.

It support:

  • functional calls:
cpp('int a = 10;')
  • with semantic:
with cpp.block('class MyClass', ';')
  • append code to the last string without EOL:
cpp.append(', p = NULL);')
  • empty lines:


Executing unit tests

The following command will execute the unit tests.

python -m unittest

Updating unit tests fixed data

After changing a unit test the fixed data needs to be updated to successfully pass the unit tests.

python -c 'from test_cpp_generator import generate_reference_code; generate_reference_code()'

After executing that command, the fixed data under tests/test_assets will be updated and will need to be committed to git.