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A Pytorch based LSTM Punctuation Restoration Implementation/A Simple Tutorial for Leaning Pytorch and NLP

Building a Simple LSTM System(Punctuation Restoration System) with Pytorch (Pytorch搭建简单LSTM标点恢复系统)

* Related Paper

[1]LSTM for Punctuation Restoration in Speech Transcripts

     author    = {Ottokar Tilk and Tanel Alum{\"a}e},
     title     = {{LSTM} for Punctuation Restoration in Speech Transcripts},
     booktitle = {Interspeech 2015},
     year      = {2015},
     address   = {Dresden, Germany}

* Graph

  • Goodnote

* Requirements

  1. python3.6
  2. pytorch1.0

* Run the code

  • Training

    ~~1. In windows: execute start run.bat in the cmd in this dir.~~ ~~2. In linux: execute ./run.sh in bash in this dir. (your needs chmod to give execute right)~~ ~~> or~~(deprecated)

    1. In windows CMD: execute python punctuator.py -tr > ./log/yourLOgName & at root dir of this projct.
    2. In linux bash: execute python punctuator.py -tr > ./log/yourLogName & at root dir of this projct.
  • Inference

    1. In windows CMD: execute python punctuator.py -t > ./log/yourLOgName & at root dir of this projct.
    2. In linux bash: execute python punctuator.py -t > ./log/yourLogName & at root dir of this projct.

* DataSet

  1. Chinese Book 《平凡的世界》.
  2. Chinese ancient Poetry. (Different word segmentation method makes very different result)


Main module

In general, a DNN system is built with the help of framework like tensorflow, pytorch or MXnet. I choose pytorch for it's simplicity.

Most of DNN systems have 2 main module:

  • Training module
  • Inference module

1. Training module

As below, a Training module consists 4 parts:

  1. data processing part
  2. data inputing part
  3. net structure building part
  4. net training part

Among all of 4 parts, we can build Net structue later, because we can build it easily in some general pattern.

As a beginner, we should concentrate more on data processing and data inputing part. Modern machine algorithm is useless without data. No data, No Magic.

Make a assumption:

  • No data: We can't get anything with DNN.
  • Data was changed by accident: Sorry, our training has gone far away from truth.
  • We can't transform data to the form what we need(trust me, there's such kind of needs): Sorry, we also can't start our training.

Always be careful about your data. There's no Out of the box data for your own needs.

1.1 data processing part


  • Remove inrelative word.
  • Remove inrelative symbol.

1.2 data inputing part

When input data to the Net, pytorch demands more uniformed data form. Pytorch supply a DataSet class for pack the data from raw. A Dataloader is supplied for customizing the sampling of dataset.

  • Above is all for the follow needs:

    1. Determining input sequence length: LSTM require a input sequence. it process a long sequence data and make use of the relation between continuous words.
    2. Determining batch division: DNN use batch to speed up the training. A batch is several sequences data stacked into a matrix, so DNN can output several results once. But there is problem in LSTM, We more need 2 sequences which are processed continuously to be continuous in data. In this way the relation can be transmit to more later LSTM process.
  • For demands above, we are customizing the DataSet and Dataloader class:

    1. When customizing a DataSet, we divide the data into sequences with length as 100(or whatever). This can be customized in __init__() of DataSet
    2. When customizing Dataloader, we mainly change the sampling method to make the sequence be continuous(but if no batch, Dataloader can supply a simple way sampler=SeqBatchSampler to make continuous). What we need is to customize sampler class's __iter__(), doing the sampling like what happened in pic below.It will finally make the training to use continuous data.(This can be found in SeqSampler.py)


1.4 Net training part

Net training consists some techniques:

  1. Choosing loss function: By choosing a loss function, net can correctly backpropagating.
  2. Choosing the gradient optimizer.
  3. Choosing file path to save checkpoint and model.

2. Inference Module

A inference module should consist of 4 parts:

  1. Data processing
  2. Data Loader
  3. Model Loading
  4. Inference with loaded Model

2.1 Data processing

Methods are identical to section 1.1.

2.2 Data Loader

  • Data inputing needs inheriting the Dataset class. Then modifying it to standardizing the data from section 2.1.
  • After Dataset's processing about raw data, we let a sequence unit be the input of Net.

Note: Unlike training a Net, now we just input only 1 seq into the Net instead of a batch_size of seqs. But pytorch forces you to indicate the batch_size of the only 1 seq explicitly. Please Use np.reshape(id_seq, (1, -1)). More details are in file ./inference/inference.py.

2.3 Model Loading

Loading a model can be done by using a overloaded class method load_model() of nn.module.

  • After using torch.load to load the model information.
  • We load_model the extraction of embedding_size, hidden_size, num_layers, num_class and state_dict.

2.4 Inference with loaded Model

Inputing the Dataset to the loaded model. Then inference start.





  • 训练模块
  • 推理模块

1. 训练模块搭建


  1. 数据预处理模块
  2. 数据输入模块
  3. 网络模型编写
  4. train代码




  • 数据预处理中,数据被篡改
  • 数据无法被处理成我们需要的格式



1.1 数据预处理模块


  • 去除无关文字、标题
  • 去除无关符号

1.2 数据输入模块


  • 针对LSTM(数据前后强依赖)模型的输入会有如下需求:

    1. 确定序列长度:LSTM的输入是一个词序列,我们需要确定一次序列的长度
    2. 确定batch划分:为加速训练效率,DNN网络的输入通常以batch进行训练,同一神经单元同时对batch上的所有单个数据进行处理。数据输入的shape(batch_size, 序列长度),最后网络输出的是batch_size个结果。不同于一般DNN的数据集batch随机划分,针对于处理序列数据的LSTM,各个batch间需要保持数据连续性(batch内部),只有这样batch间才能传递文本的连续信息。
  • 通过对于Dataset,Dataloader进行定制,我们可以满足对数据的需求:

    1. 自定义Dataset类的数据初始要确定好输入数据的句子序列长度,假设想变为100,通过定制__init__()函数,可以定制数据从文件读取后地形状,改为(-1, 100)
    2. 自定义Sampler对数据抽样然后根据batch_size确定如何通过定制采样函数,完成连续抽样和随机抽样。(参考repo:pytorch_punctuation的代码,它对于batch的采样,几乎等于随机采样。因为当batch大于1时,将两个连续的句子作为一个batch,各batch间数据断开$batch_size-1$的距离,训练时失去了相邻两句话之间的信息传递!!!!!)
      • batchSampler和其他Sampler类都继承了sampler类。更改__iter__()函数,将返回用于确定从dataset中getitem()的index列表迭代器。index被用来调用Dataset的__getitem__()获取对应数据。


1.3 网络模型搭建

1.4 train部分

  1. 选择损失函数Loss
  2. 选择梯度计算优化器,Adam
  3. 选择check-point路径
  4. 记录最佳损失Loss


2. 推理模块搭建


  1. 数据预处理模块
  2. 数据输入模块
  3. 载入网络模型
  4. 使用网络模型对输入数据进行推理

2.1 数据预处理模块

数据预处理模块和section 1.1中的过程相同。

2.2 数据输入模块

  • 数据输入pytorch网络,需要继承Dataset类并进行改造后,对预处理好的数据进行规范化。

  • 通过类似section1.2Dataset构造方式,我们可以得到标准化的数据集,再将标准化的数据集一个一个序列地送进网络。

需要注意的是:和训练网络时不同,我们一次只推理一个单元的文字。在从Dataset取出一个序列后,需要np.reshape(id_seq, (1, -1))将序列改为batch_size为1的shape。

2.3 载入网络模型


  • 使用torch.load载入保存好的model后,
  • 提取vocab_size、embedding_size、hidden_size、num_layers、num_class、state_dict等参数,恢复模型。

2.4 使用网络模型对输入数据进行推理

将数据输入由section 2.3得到的网络模型,可以进行推理