Multiple-Relations-Extraction-Only-Look-Once icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Multiple-Relations-Extraction-Only-Look-Once copied to clipboard

Multiple-Relations-Extraction-Only-Look-Once. Just look at the sentence once and extract the multiple pairs of entities and their corresponding relations. 端到端联合多关系抽取模型,可用于 http://lic20...


Multiple-Relations-Extraction-Only-Look-Once. Just look at the sentence once and extract the multiple pairs of entities and their corresponding relations. 只用看一次,抽取所有的实体及其对应的所有关系。

input "text": "《逐风行》是百度文学旗下纵横中文网签约作家清水秋风创作的一部东方玄幻小说,小说已于2014-04-28正式发布"


"spo_list": [{"predicate": "连载网站", "object_type": "网站", "subject_type": "网络小说", "object": "纵横中文网", "subject": "逐风行"}, {"predicate": "作者", "object_type": "人物", "subject_type": "图书作品", "object": "清水秋风", "subject": "逐风行"}]

Main principle

The entity extraction task is converted into a sequence annotation task, and the multi-relationship extraction task is converted into a multi-head selection task. The token will be sent to the model, and the model will predict the output label, predicate value, and predicate location. Using the bin/ file, the original game data format can be converted into the data format required for the multi-head selection model, as follows:

把实体抽取任务转换成序列标注任务,把多关系抽取任务转换成多头选择任务。token会被送入模型,模型会预测输出label、predicate value 和 predicate location。使用bin/read_standard_format_data.py文件可以把原始比赛数据格式转换成多头选择模型所需数据格式,如下所示:

| index | token |   label    |   predicate value    | predicate location |
|   0   |   《  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [0]         |
|   1   |   逐  | B-图书作品  | ['连载网站', '作者']  |      [12, 21]      |
|   2   |   风  | I-图书作品  |        ['N']         |        [2]         |
|   3   |   行  | I-图书作品  |        ['N']         |        [3]         |
|   4   |   》  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [4]         |
|   5   |   是  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [5]         |
|   6   |   百  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [6]         |
|   7   |   度  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [7]         |
|   8   |   文  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [8]         |
|   9   |   学  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [9]         |
|   10  |   旗  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [10]        |
|   11  |   下  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [11]        |
|   12  |   纵  |   B-网站   |        ['N']         |        [12]        |
|   13  |   横  |   I-网站   |        ['N']         |        [13]        |
|   14  |   中  |   I-网站   |        ['N']         |        [14]        |
|   15  |   文  |   I-网站   |        ['N']         |        [15]        |
|   16  |   网  |   I-网站   |        ['N']         |        [16]        |
|   17  |   签  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [17]        |
|   18  |   约  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [18]        |
|   19  |   作  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [19]        |
|   20  |   家  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [20]        |
|   21  |   清  |   B-人物   |        ['N']         |        [21]        |
|   22  |   水  |   I-人物   |        ['N']         |        [22]        |
|   23  |   秋  |   I-人物   |        ['N']         |        [23]        |
|   24  |   风  |   I-人物   |        ['N']         |        [24]        |
|   25  |   创  |     O      |        ['N']         |        [25]        |

See my blog for more details

Document description

name description
bert The feature extractor of the model, where BERT is used as the feature extractor for the model. It can be replaced with other feature extractors, such as BiLSTM and CNN.
bin/ Prepare formatted data for the mode.
bin/ Organize the output of model prediction into standard data format.
bin/ View formatted data.
bin/ One method for solving the relationship extraction problem: the multi-head selection method.
experimental_loss_function, File under experiment.
raw_data Generate entity relationship triples and write them to JSON files. The most basic model for model training and prediction.

Need Your Help!

  • Well-designed loss function!
  • Improve the speed of to generate entity relationship files, and change to parallel processing!

Problem code location 531~549 lines!

You can try different experiments (experimental_loss_function/ and share your results.

Use example



给定schema约束集合及句子sent,其中schema定义了关系P以及其对应的主体S和客体O的类别,例如(S_TYPE:人物,P:妻子,O_TYPE:人物)、(S_TYPE:公司,P:创始人,O_TYPE:人物)等。 任务要求参评系统自动地对句子进行分析,输出句子中所有满足schema约束的SPO三元组知识Triples=[(S1, P1, O1), (S2, P2, O2)…]。 输入/输出: (1) 输入:schema约束集合及句子sent (2) 输出:句子sent中包含的符合给定schema约束的三元组知识Triples

例子 输入句子: "text": "《古世》是连载于云中书城的网络小说,作者是未弱"

输出三元组: "spo_list": [{"predicate": "作者", "object_type": "人物", "subject_type": "图书作品", "object": "未弱", "subject": "古世"}, {"predicate": "连载网站", "object_type": "网站", "subject_type": "网络小说", "object": "云中书城", "subject": "古世"}]}



Getting Started

Environment Requirements

  • python 3.6+
  • Tensorflow 1.12.0+

Step 1: Environmental preparation

  • Install Tensorflow
  • Dowload bert-base, chinese, unzip file and put it in pretrained_model floader.

Step 2: Download the training data, dev data and schema files

Please download the training data, development data and schema files from the competition website, then unzip files and put them in ./raw_data/ folder.

cd data
cd -

此处不再提供2019语言与智能技术竞赛_信息抽取原始数据下载,如有疑问可以联系我的邮箱 [email protected]

There is no longer a raw data download, if you have any questions, you can contact my mailbox [email protected]

Step3: Data preprocessing

python bin/

It is currently recommended to use the file instead of the file for model and forecasting!

Step4: Model training is recommended.

python \
--task_name=SKE_2019 \
--do_train=true \
--do_eval=false \
--data_dir=bin/standard_format_data \
--vocab_file=pretrained_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt \
--bert_config_file=pretrained_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
--init_checkpoint=pretrained_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_model.ckpt \
--max_seq_length=128 \
--train_batch_size=32 \
--learning_rate=2e-5 \
--num_train_epochs=3.0 \

Step5: Model prediction

python \
  --task_name=SKE_2019 \
  --do_predict=true \
  --data_dir=bin/standard_format_data \
  --vocab_file=pretrained_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/vocab.txt \
  --bert_config_file=pretrained_model/chinese_L-12_H-768_A-12/bert_config.json \
  --init_checkpoint=output_model/multiple_relations_model/epochs3/model.ckpt-2000 \
  --max_seq_length=128 \

Step6: Generating Entities and Relational Files


You can use other strategies to generate the final entity relationship file for better results. I have written the template code for you (see

Paper realization

This code is an unofficial implementation of Extracting Multiple-Relations in One-Pass with Pre-Trained Transformers and Joint entity recognition and relation extraction as a multi-head selection problem.