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:boom: Dynamically generate functional CSS classes from HTML and JavaScript source files

Generate CSS npm Version build stability experimental

Dynamically generate functional CSS classes from HTML and JavaScript source files


  • Style your HTML using functional CSS classes, with support for applying styles specific to a pseudo-class (eg. hover:bg-black, parent-hover:bg-black) and/or specific to a breakpoint (eg. sm@bg-black)
  • Guarantees zero unused CSS; CSS classes are only included in the generated CSS file if they are actually used


Given the following example.html file:

<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<button class="bg-blue color-white font font-bold px-2 py-1 rounded-full hover:bg-black">Button</button>

…and the following generate-css.config.json configuration file:

  "reset": true,
  "theme": {
    "baseFontSize": {
      "default": "16px"
    "baseSpace": "1rem",
    "color": {
      "black": "#000",
      "blue": "#00f",
      "white": "#fff"
    "fontFamily": {
      "default": "Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"
    "fontWeight": {
      "bold": "bolder"


$ npx generate-css example.html --output style.css

This will generate the following style.css file (with the opening reset rules omitted):

// ...reset rules...

html {
  font-size: 16px;
.hover\:bg-black:hover {
  background-color: #000;
.bg-blue {
  background-color: #00f;
.color-white {
  color: #fff;
.font {
  font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
.font-bold {
  font-weight: bolder;
.px-2 {
  padding-right: 2rem;
  padding-left: 2rem;
.py-1 {
  padding-top: 1rem;
  padding-bottom: 1rem;
.rounded-full {
  border-radius: 9999px;

See that:

  • With theme.baseFontSize.default set to 16px, font-size: 16px; is applied on html.
  • With theme.baseSpace set to 1rem, the padding value of .px-2 is 2rem (ie. 1rem × 2), and the padding value of .py-1 is 1rem (ie. 1rem × 2).


Functional CSS classes

See the full list of functional CSS classes currently supported by Generate CSS.

There are two “types” of functional CSS classes:

Classes without a ${key}

For these classes, the value used in the generated CSS would generally be resolved from theme[propertyName].default.

Classes with a ${key}

For these classes, the value used in the generated CSS would generally be resolved from theme[propertyName][key].

For certain CSS classes, if theme[propertyName][key] is undefined, the value used in the generated CSS might then be resolved through the following mapping:

key resolveNumericValue(key) Example
auto auto w-autowidth: auto;
full 100% w-fullwidth: 100%;
px 1px w-pxwidth: 1px;
([0-9]+)px ($1)px w-8pxwidth: 8px;
([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) ($1 / $2 * 100)% w-2/3width: 66.666667%;
([0-9]+) theme.baseSpace × ($1) w-2width: 2rem;
(assuming theme.baseSpace is set to 1rem)


To apply a style on an element for a particular pseudo-class state only, add the pseudo-class keyword followed by a : character (eg. hover:) before the functional CSS class name.

For example, using the class hover:bg-black in your HTML would result in the following CSS being generated:

.hover\:bg-black:hover {
  background-color: #000;

Parent pseudo-classes

To apply a style on an element for a particular parent pseudo-class state only, add the special parent pseudo-class keyword followed by a : character (eg. parent-hover:) before the functional CSS class name.

For example, using the class parent-hover:bg-black in your HTML would result in the following CSS being generated:

.parent:hover .parent-hover\:bg-black {
  background-color: #000;


Breakpoints must first be defined under the theme.breakpoint key in generate-css.config.json:

  "theme": {
    "breakpoint": {
      "sm": "540px",
      "md": "960px"

To apply a style on an element for a particular breakpoint and higher (the media-query is a min-width on the particular breakpoint), add the name of the breakpoint followed by an @ character (eg. sm@) before the functional CSS class name.

For example, using the class sm@bg-black in your HTML would result in the following CSS being generated:

@media (min-width: 540px) {
  .sm\@bg-black {
    background-color: #000;


Configure Generate CSS via a generate-css.config.json file or a generate-css key in your package.json.



Whether to prepend reset rules from normalize.css and Generate CSS’s reset.css file to the generated CSS file. Defaults to true.



All keys are optional.

  • theme.baseSpace (string) — The base space unit used to resolve functional class names with a ${key}, eg. w-2width: 2rem; (assuming theme.baseSpace is set to 1rem)
  • theme.baseFontSize (object) — A mapping of breakpoint names to the base font-size to be applied on the html element for that breakpoint. theme.baseFontSize.default is the base font-size applied on the html element.
  • theme.breakpoint (object) — A mapping of breakpoint names to screen widths.

All other keys are objects that map ${keys} referenced in your functional CSS classes to their corresponding values:

  • theme.backgroundColor
  • theme.borderColor
  • theme.borderRadius
  • theme.borderWidth
  • theme.color
  • theme.fontFamily
  • theme.fontSize
  • theme.fontWeight
  • theme.height
  • theme.letterSpacing
  • theme.lineHeight
  • theme.margin
  • theme.maxHeight
  • theme.maxWidth
  • theme.minHeight
  • theme.minWidth
  • theme.padding
  • theme.width


    Dynamically generate functional CSS classes from HTML and JavaScript source files

    $ generate-css <pattern> [options]

    -a, --append     Glob pattern for CSS files to append to the generated CSS file
    -c, --config     Path to a `generate-css` configuration file
    -m, --minify     Whether to minify the generated CSS file  (default false)
    -o, --output     Path to write the generated CSS file
    -p, --prepend    Glob pattern for CSS files to prepend to the generated CSS file
    -w, --watch      Whether to automatically generate a CSS file on changes to the source files  (default false)
    -v, --version    Displays current version
    -h, --help       Displays this message

    $ generate-css --append reset.css
    $ generate-css --minify
    $ generate-css --output style.css
    $ generate-css --prepend custom.css
    $ generate-css --watch

Prior art

  • The functional CSS class naming convention used in Generate CSS is heavily inspired by Tailwind and Tachyons.
