Results 43 issues of YSTYLE-L.X.Y

I participated in the internal test of a brand new language. I want to adapt lapce for this language. How should I add syntax highlighting and access the lsp of...

Hyprbars: Activating windows uses different colored bars or hightlight?

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/4478635/158960000-79893a13-91df-40d4-85a6-0b1b335bffdc.png) 提示的链接. 我看了下qiankun里好像没有配置超时的选项. https://single-spa.js.org/error/?code=31&arg=mount&arg=parcel&arg=bd&arg=3000

After I generate azw3 with chaptered, when testing on kinlde oasis3, some files cannot be displayed on the device's library. After testing, it was found that the first book of...

### 插件版本号 | Version 0.9.3 ### 平台 | Platform Linux ### 浏览器 | Browsers Microsoft Edge ### 插件类型 | Extension Type 浏览器插件 | Browser Extension ### 请描述这个Bug | Describe the...


目录如下: ```shell lxy52@YSTYLE-PC MINGW64 /d/Code/Python/ChatGLM-6B (main) $ tree -d -L 2 . |-- ChatGLM-webui | |-- modules | |-- outputs | `-- scripts |-- THUDM | |-- chatglm-6b | |--...

比如连续对话中,有些对话其实没必要添加到上下文里。 可以默认设置为都是添加到上下文,但可以在那一轮对话上取消标记,之后问答时,取消标记的对话就不添加到上下文了。 这样可以把对话历史和上下文分开,减少显卡的压力,应该能实现更多轮次的对话

Now you cannot enter text with non-Latin letters, and the input method cannot be activated correctly on both windows and linux.

### Hyprland Version System/Version info modify in 2024-05-05 ```sh Hyprland, built from branch at commit fe7b748eb668136dd0558b7c8279bfcd7ab4d759 (props: bump version to 0.39.1). Date: Tue Apr 16 16:01:03 2024 Tag: v0.39.1, commits:...

