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Feature/gh 118 aws virtual network
Pull Request description
Description of the change
Now possible to attach a subnet to AWS instance.
What I did
- Added VPC creation with nested subnets and SG
- Added stand alone Subnet creation
- Added default setup for abstract application definition.
How I did it
- Updated the tosca aws types to match terraform specs for Subnet and VPC creation
- Updated the tosca aws types in the A4C-yorc-provider plugins
- Add default VPC creation that will
- create a security group that allow the deploying IP machine
- create a internet gateway (IG)
- configure the default VPC table to redirect by default to the IG
How to verify it
-Try deploying a ACompute linked with a ANetwork.
Applicable Issues
#Fixes #118
Can't open topology.zip
llow to attach an existing
It seems you don't allow to attach an existing vpc to a compute ?
VPC can't be attached to compute instance, only subnet can. This PR is focused on Subnet creation and attachment to an instance.
Ok but we should allow to attach an existing subnet from an existing VPC to a compute ?
Ok but we should allow to attach an existing subnet from an existing VPC to a compute ?
Ok got it ! I'll use the subnet_id argument in tosca type and make YORC handle that.
Kudos, SonarCloud Quality Gate passed!
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities (and
0 Security Hotspots to review)
2 Code Smells
Code Climate has analyzed commit c0641d82 and detected 3 issues on this pull request.
Here's the issue category breakdown:
Category | Count |
Complexity | 1 |
Duplication | 2 |
View more on Code Climate.
SonarCloud Quality Gate failed.
0 Bugs
0 Vulnerabilities (and
0 Security Hotspots to review)
3 Code Smells
76.5% Coverage
5.7% Duplication
The version of Java (1.8.0_151) you have used to run this analysis is deprecated and we will stop accepting it from October 2020. Please update to at least Java 11.
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