sword-x-offer copied to clipboard
66 classic and common interview problems from 《剑指offer》 with multiple-method-CPP solutions, and common data structure summary, etc
sword-x-offer not only contains 66 common && classic interview programming problems but also others like common data structure summary based in language CPP etc. Particularly, each problem has multiple solutions.
Problem Set
1.1 Ordered List
1.2 Topic List
1.2.1 binary-search
1.2.2 linked-list
1.2.3 binary-tree
1.2.4 dynamic programming -
Data Structure(TODO)
2.1 binary-search
2.2 linked-list
2.3 string
2.4 tree
2.5 sort
2.6 graph -
Language CPP(TODO)
3.1 Style: Google C++ Style Guide
3.2 Common C/C++ questions
3.3 gcc five minute
3.4 basic cpp language
3.5 system design
3.6 Deep Learning questions - Project Based Learning
- License
- Acknowledge
1.Problem Set
1.1 Ordered List
id | problem | topic | difficulty | OJ link | similarity |
01 | find-value-in-matrix | binary-search | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
02 | replace-space | string | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
03 | print-linked-list-from-tail | linked-list | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
04 | reconstruct-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
05 | stack-operation-based-two-queues | queue | ★★ | nowcoder | |
06 | min-num-in-reverse-array | array | ★★ | nowcoder | |
07 | fibonacci-sequence | loop/recursion,dp | ★★ | nowcoder | |
08 | jump-floor | loop/recursion,dp | ★★ | nowcoder | |
09 | jump-floor-II | loop/recursion | ★★ | nowcoder | |
10 | rectangle-cover | loop/recursion | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
11 | number-of-one-in-binary | bit-manipulation | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
12 | integer-power-of-number | ★★★ | nowcoder | ||
13 | reorder-array-as-odd-number-is-in-the-front | array | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
14 | countdown-k-node-in-linked-list | linked-list | ★★ | nowcoder | |
15 | reverse-linked-list | linked-list | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
16 | merge-two-sorted-linked-list | linked-list | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
17 | judge-the-substructure-of-a-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
18 | mirror-of-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
19 | print-matrix-clockwise | array | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
20 | stack-contain-min-func | stack | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
21 | push-and-pop-sequence-of-stack | stack | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
22 | print-binary-tree-from-top-to-bottom | tree | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
23 | postorder-traversal-of-binary-search-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
24 | target-length-path-of-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
25 | replication-of-complex-linked-list | linked-list | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
26 | convert-binary-search-tree-to-bi-directional-linked-list | tree,linked-list | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
27 | string-permutation | string,math | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
28 | the-number-occurs-more-than-half | array | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
29 | k-minimum-number | array,heap | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
30 | the-largest-sum-of-consecutive-subarrays | greedy,dp | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
31 | number-of-1-between-1-and-n | math | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
32 | arrange-the-array-into-the-smallest-number | ★★★ | nowcoder | ||
33 | ugly-number | math | ★★ | nowcoder | |
34 | first-character-that-appears-only-once | array,hash-table | ★★ | nowcoder | |
35 | inverse-pairs-in-array | array,math | ★★★★★ | nowcoder | |
36 | find-first-common-node-in-two-linked-lists | linked-list | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
37 | number-of-occurrences-in-the-sorted-array | array,hash-table | ★★ | nowcoder | |
38 | depth-of-binary-tree | tree | ★★ | nowcoder | |
39 | judge-balanced-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
40 | find-num-appear-once-in-array | array,hash-table | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
41 | sum-s-of-continuous-positive-sequence | ★★ | nowcoder | ||
42 | two-sum | ★★ | nowcoder | ||
43 | left-rotate-string | string | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
44 | reverse-words-in-sentence | string | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
45 | is-poker-continuous | ★★★ | nowcoder | ||
46 | the-last-number-in-the-circle | math | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
47 | sum-from-1-to-n | ★★ | nowcoder | ||
48 | sum-of-two-numbers | bit-manipulation | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
49 | str-to-int | string,array | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
50 | duplicate-number-in-array | array,hash-table | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
51 | construct-multiply-triangle | array | ★★ | nowcoder | |
52 | regular-expression-match | string | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
53 | numeric-string | string | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
54 | first-appearing-once-in-str-stream | string | ★★ | nowcoder | |
55 | entry-of-loop-linked-list | linked-list | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
56 | delete-duplication-in-linked-list | linked-list | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
57 | next-node-of-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
58 | is-symmetrical-binary-tree | tree | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
59 | print-binary-tree-layer-by-layer | tree | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
60 | print-binary-tree-layer-by-layer-II | tree | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
61 | serialize-binary-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
62 | kth-node-of-binary-search-tree | tree | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
63 | get-median-of-num-stream | tree | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
64 | max-in-sliding-window | stack/queue | ★★★ | nowcoder | |
65 | path-in-matrix | backtracking | ★★★★ | nowcoder | |
66 | range-of-robot | backtracking | ★★★★ | nowcoder |
1.2 Topic List
Binary Search
- 01-find-value-in-matrix
Linked List
- 03-print-linked-list-from-tail
- 14-countdown-k-node-in-linked-list
- 15-reverse-linked-list
- 16-merge-two-sorted-linked-list
- 25-replication-of-complex-linked-list
- 26-convert-binary-search-tree-to-bi-directional-linked-list
- 36-find-first-common-node-in-two-linked-lists
- 55-entry-of-loop-linked-list
- 56-delete-duplication-in-linked-list
Binary Tree
- 04-reconstruct-binary-tree
- 17-judge-the-substructure-of-a-binary-tree
- 18-mirror-of-binary-tree
- 22-print-binary-tree-from-top-to-bottom
- 23-postorder-traversal-of-binary-search-tree
- 24-target-length-path-of-binary-tree
- 26-convert-binary-search-tree-to-bi-directional-linked-list
- 38-depth-of-binary-tree
- 39-judge-balanced-binary-tree
- 57-next-node-of-binary-tree
- 58-is-symmetrical-binary-tree
- 59-print-binary-tree-layer-by-layer
- 60-print-binary-tree-layer-by-layer-II
- 61-serialize-binary-tree
- 62-kth-node-of-binary-search-tree
- 63-get-median-of-num-stream
Dynamic Programming
- 07-fibonacci-sequence
- 30-the-largest-sum-of-consecutive-subarrays
- 51-construct-multiply-triangle
- 52-regular-expression-match
2.Data Structure
- binary-search
- linked-list
- string
- tree
- sort
- graph
3.Language CPP
- Style: Google C++ Style Guide
- Common C/C++ questions-I
- Common C/C++ questions-II
- lexdene/gcc_five_minute: gcc五分钟系列
- basic cpp language: lang-cpp
- soulmachine/system-design: 系统设计面试题精选
- donnemartin/system-design-primer
Apache License 2.0.
Solutions in sword-x-offer are mainly from the forum of nowcoder and book 《剑指offer》. Particularly, I learned a lot from the forum of nowcoder.
Project-based-learning is from this repo., which is under MIT License.
Judge Script
while true;
if diff std.out test.out;then
echo AC
echo WA
exit 0